Today my mom is sharing on Adventures of Adam about homemade drums we got from a nature camp. This gave me the idea to make American Girl doll drum and drumsticks. This was a quick and easy craft that requires very little supplies or adult supervision. Well, as long as you are allowed to use a glue gun other wise you will need an adults help. Safety first!
Supplies Needed for Drum and Drumsticks:
Clear packaging tape and scissors
Small embroidery hoop or wooden frame
Bamboo skewer, chopstick, or pencil
Large wooden bead or bouncy ball ( you will need an adult to drill a hole in the ball)
Hot Glue Gun and glue sticks
Steps to Make American Doll Sized Drum and Drumsticks:
1. Gather all your supplies
2. Make sure you are allowed to make a craft/project.
3. Ask for help with tape or hot glue.
4. Work on a very clean surface so dust and hair do not get onto the sticky side of tape. Carefully place a piece of tape on one side of your hoop or frame. Be sure to smooth the tape onto the edge before trimming off the extra. Flip it over and repeat until all the tape overlaps and you have a nice drum surface.
To make the doll sized drum sticks you need to cut your Bamboo skewer, chopstick, or pencil to the right size for your doll and then using a hot glue gun or glue stick put a little bit of glue on one end and then put on your Large wooden bead or bouncy ball.
Thank you for seeing how to create an American Girl Doll sized drum and drum sticks.
I hope you have seen my other post about how to make American Girl Doll sized Valentines.
I’d be happy if I could just get the clothes for the dolls made that I thought about so looonng ago! 🙂 Instead, I’m focused on learning Scrivener 😉
How adorable is that?? I think I might enjoy looking at DIY accessories for my daughter’s dolls more than she does, hee hee! But, she does enjoy playing with them, and that’s the point, after all!
Another great idea. Just brilliant.
What a great idea – I love it when toys can join in too! Thank you for linking up with the Frugal Family Linky!
Cute! 🙂 We used to make all kinds of doll sized things around here.
What a fun craft for kids to do Thank you for sharing on our facebook page today.