We have seen all sorts of ideas all over the internet and on pinterest using pallets. Since I want to expand our garden and just learned that raised garden beds offer double the yield of a normal row garden I really wanted to put our pallet raised garden beds to use. A month of so ago some of our potatoes from the grocery began to grow. I decided to plant them in a large pot to see if they would continue to sprout and grow. They did.
I was really lazy and placed the entire potato with multiple eyes sprouting without dividing it up first. It worked out really well to pull the plants apart at the base of the stalks just above ground. This is when I discovered that they were indeed growing little potatoes from the tip of a pen size to small bouncy ball size!
First I found a spot big enough for the raised bed. Then I placed some weed-cover or landscaping fabric on the ground underneath. Then I laid the raised bed on top. I chose a location in full sun so that I knew my plants would do well. I layered some hay from a bale that the neighbors put out for the trash a few months ago. Then drug over a 40# bag of top soil and a bag of compost. I layered in some of our own compost from our trash can composting.
My toddler was very intrigued by what I was doing and tried help by pulling out the potatoes plants. I had to get another potato from inside to show him we were planting not weeding. It’s been 2 days now and we haven’t found any plants out of the raised garden bed.
This post is part of our 101 Budget Friendly Summer Activities posts. We will continue to share all of the fun things from our list as we do them to give you step-by-step instructions or just some fabulously fun ideas or ways to do some of the more common activities.
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