High School math can be very expensive to buy and hard to teach! I love number crunching for budgets and figuring out taxes but not super fond of algebra. I remember taking Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry but I know that some concepts were tough with a full-course load in high school!
I am a college graduate and never took Trig or Calc which I may end up learning right alongside my children. Either way I know that I will want to use as many free resources as possible to save big bucks on math textbooks!
Brightstorm– over 2,000 Math Videos
Hippocampus– online videos and learning in Math and Science
Free Math Help-Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics, and Sports Math are all covered with lessons, calculators, and games.
Geometry– Annenberg Learner
CK-12 Foundation’s Algebra FlexBook is an introduction to algebraic concepts for the high school student. Topics include: Equations & Functions, Real Numbers, Equations of Lines, Solving Systems of Equations & Quadratic Equations.
CK-12 Foundation’s Basic Probability and Statistics – A Short Course is an introduction to theoretical probability and data organization. Students learn about events, conditions, random variables, and graphs and tables that allow them to manage data.
CK-12’s Algebra I Second Edition is a clear presentation of algebra for the high school student. Volume 1 includes the first 6 chapters and covers the following topics: Equations and Functions, Real Numbers, Equations of Lines, Graphs of Equations and Functions, Writing Linear Equations, and Linear Inequalities.
CK-12’s Algebra I Second Edition is a clear presentation of algebra for the high school student. Volume 2 includes the last 6 chapters and covers the following topics: Solving Systems of Equations and Inequalities, Exponential Functions, Polynomials, Quadratic Equations and Quadratic Functions, Algebra and Geometry Connections, and Rational Equations and Functions.
CK-12’s Basic Geometry FlexBook, Volumes 1 through 2, is designed to present students with geometric principles in a more graphics-oriented course. Volume 1 includes 6 chapters: Basics of Geometry, Reasoning and Proof, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, Triangles and Congruence, Relationships with Triangles, and Polygons and Quadrilaterals.
CK-12’s Basic Geometry FlexBook, Volumes 1 through 2, is designed to present students with geometric principles in a more graphics-oriented course. Volume 2 includes 6 chapters: Similarity, Right Triangle Trigonometry, Circles, Perimeter and Area, Surface Area and Volume, and Rigid Transformations.
CK-12 Foundation’s Trigonometry FlexBook is an introduction to trigonometry for the high school student. Topics include: Trigonometric Identities & Equations, Circular Functions, and Polar Equations & Complex Numbers.
CK-12 Foundation’s Math Analysis FlexBook is a rigorous text that takes students from analyzing functions to mathematical induction to an introduction to calculus.
High School and College Free Math Books-regularly publish details about legally available free online books and ebooks related to Mathematics. This site lists books which are provided by publishers or authors on their websites legally and free of charge. We do not host pirated books or we do not link to sites that host pirated books.
MIT Opencourseware-An undergraduate degree in mathematics provides an excellent basis for graduate work in mathematics or computer science, or for employment in such mathematics-related fields as systems analysis, operations research, or actuarial science. Free Calculus books are offered by a few MIT Professors.
Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra– This is a foundational textbook on abstract algebra with emphasis on linear algebra. You may download parts of the book or the entire textbook. It is provided free online in PDF, DVI, postscript, and gzipped postscript.
Elementary Linear Algebra– This book is an introduction to linear algebra, based on lectures given by me over 17 years, in the (now defunct) first year course MP103 at the University of Queensland.
Online Mathematics Textbooks– The writing of textbooks and making them freely available on the web is an idea whose time has arrived. Most college mathematics textbooks attempt to be all things to all people and, as a result, are much too big and expensive. This perhaps made some sense when these books were rather expensive to produce and distribute–but this time has passed.
Thank you! Amazing compilation!