Day 2 of our five days series to help parents and educators learn about new fun ways to play with ABC’s. This series is for all ages birth to grade 6 so stick around to see all the amazing activities for all the ages.
Today I am sharing a fun way to use a store-bought item to create an alphabet activity. Last Summer I spent lots of time during garage sale season searching for a cheap barrel of monkeys. I found two partial sets which gave me enough monkeys to write a letter on each one. To see what else we added to this fun activity check out our Barrel of Monkeys Letter Match Game.
We hope you join us each day this week as we share some fun ideas for Handmade ABC’s, Seasonal ABC’s, Sensory ABC’s, Natural ABC’s, and Store Bought ABC’s. Each day I will be featuring one of my own projects as well as the projects of the other bloggers!
ABC Cards Games for Tots from Creative World of Varya
Alphabet Free Play from P is for Preschooler
Magnetic ABC’s Learning Fun from Teach Me Mommy
Board Games Do Enhance Learning from Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading