Many children struggle with telling time without hands-on activities and repetition. This list of telling time math games and activities should give your child a variety of fun ways to learn this important concept!
Many children struggle with telling time without hands-on activities and repetition. This list of telling time math games and activities should give your child a variety of fun ways to learn this important concept!
Each year during the Spring and Summer I think about the upcoming Fall and what it will bring for my children’s educations via homeschool curriculum. I try to look for new and interesting things to learn, study and experience. This year will be our first year that all four children will be “in school”.
We started last year all learning the same Science and History which seemed to make my life a little bit easier. Last year we learned American History and Anatomy (loosley using Guest Hollow’s outline) while this year we will focus on Ancient History and Botany. We will use Mystery of History 1 and Guest Hollow’s Ancient History for book, video and activity ideas as well as Guest Hollow’s Botany.
I love apples and I love free printables even more! That’s why I am sharing some free apple printables for elementary students that you can use with your class or family!
By Thaleia
I have come to realize that my free resource posts can get very long and hard to find the things a parent or teacher might be looking for so I am breaking them down. I am creating new posts for specific subjects and age range to make these resources easier to enjoy. This post has some of our favorite free math resources for elementary.
(Disclosure: There ARE affiliate links within this post. The links provide a way for us to support our site and provide great ideas and content to you! Thanks for your support.)
Are you looking for some free Literature Resources? Maybe you never read the Great Classics yourself. Maybe you are teaching a middle schooler or high schooler this year and want some free options. Then you have found the right place. I gathered a great collection for you to start or continue your Literature studies.
Free Math Resources for All Ages
Copywork, Handwriting and Writing Resources