What does a resourceful mom do? Figure out ways to create your own rock tool kit including common household tools and ask around for anything that could be handy that is currently being unused. This post will show you a little bit of our evolving rock collection kit and how we have gotten so many nice rocks for free!
Today I would like to share with you some ways to create your own homemade rock kit. Yes, you can buy all types of rock kits, mineral kits, classroom sets, and even rock hound backpack’s but most of those are quite expensive. Since these pre-made kits aren’t in a frugal homeschool budget I wanted to give you ideas of what we have done.
First determine how much your children are really into rocks. Do they really want to learn about them OR do they just want to collect them and play with them? Either way your child can learn, observe, and explore rocks to their hearts content!
If your child really want’s to learn to identify and collect them for further study then I suggest you print rock identification charts or cards from below or visit our post with over 40 free resources for rocks and minerals. Keep an eye out at garage sales or used book sales for rock books. We splurged and paid full-price for Rocks, Gems and Minerals (A Golden Guide). Funny thing is we found an older version of the same book for .50 at a garage sale!