{Spice Up Your Homeschool} Series
Got the homeschool blues? Need to spice things up a bit?
Have you been homeschooling for awhile and want to try something new?
Maybe you are new to homeschooling and still trying to figure things out.
If you need a break from your “typical” day or routine then check out
{Spice Up Your Homeschool} for valuable tips and ideas!
{Spice Up Your Homeschool} State Quarters
Want a fun way to learn Geography and US History at the same time? Look no further than your kids piggie bank or your change purse. I think it would be great fun to search the house for the quarters currently in your possession and then create a list of the ones you need to complete a set of 50. Now I’m not talking about looking for specific mints, but just finding all 50 to lay out on a big map of the US!
Did you know they also made US Territories and now are onto National Parks? A few states are getting a second design that shows even more history! Kind of an exciting activity that you can do to bring in other family, friends, or co-op members. You can ask your neighbors or call up a relative to see what quarters they might have. You can also cheat and check with your local banks.
This project could very well trigger and all out 50 States Notebook learning project. Do not get surprised if your kids get hooked on learning some history and geography!
State Quarter Resources:
US Mint Coloring Pages– Dollars, Quarters, Nickel, and Penny pages
US Mint Educational Ideas– offers pdf files, lesson plans,etc.
National Park Quarters, Re-released, and 2012
US Maps by State, Region, and other
Design Process for State Quarters
State Notebook Printables and Ideas– very comprehensive by Jimmie
Check out all the posts in this series:
{Spice Up Your Homeschool} PE: Try Tennis
{Spice Up Your Homeschool} Science: Nature Journals
{Spice Up Your Homeschool} History: Penny Collecting
{Spice Up Your Homeschool} Geography: State Quarters