Wacky Wednesday: Historical Markers
What is Wacky Wednesday? Last year we created WACKY WEDNESDAY to help us get over hump day and try to remember to do something fun and unusual on Wednesdays. Not every Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday, but we try to do something a little crazy or nature-oriented.
We are taking a tour of history today in our own town via Historical Markers! Come explore various parts of our local History as we have fun on another Wacky Wednesday!
We first checked online at the Historical Marker Database to see where nearby marker were. Just so happens that our town has 26! A ton are within walking distance and near our library right “downtown”, but with all the construction and fresh concrete we chose to drive.
DUE TO MAJOR CONSTRUCTION around our historical markers (the sidewalks and parking were ripped up!), we had to stop by some other markers in our region! We still had some fun!