Are you spending a fortune on groceries each week? Do you feel like you could make better use of your time then going grocery shopping numerous times a week? Then you will definitely enjoy my tips for saving time and money on grocery shopping!
Create a Menu
One of the biggest money saving tips is to create a menu plan for the next week or two. This can seem like a daunting task if your days are filled with flexible work schedule, doctors’ appointments, sports, homeschool classes, etc. I would right down recipes that your family enjoys and create meals around those which includes sides, veggies and fruit. Then think about how long it takes to make each of those meals. Schedule quick meals or meals made with last night’s chicken leftovers on crazy nights when you have less than 30 minutes to get a meal on the table. Look at your calendar and see when you have 30-45 minutes to cook a meal that needs more prep time. Think about putting meat in the crockpot in the morning. We usually cook 3lbs of boneless chicken breast in the crockpot and create 2-3 meals from that one “cooking” session.
Shop Your Pantry First
Shop your pantry, fridge and freezer to see what you already have for the meals that you have planned or so that you can plan to use those ingredients. Write down all the items you need to complete each meal for this week’s menu. It’s terrible to plan a healthy salad to find out that you are out of salad dressing or romaine lettuce!
Use Coupons or Savings Apps
Remember to save money by using a savings app or clipping coupons. Sometimes it’s as simple as scanning your receipt after your shopping trip like Walmart’s Savings Catcher or Checkout 51. Even saving $2-$3 each week adds up to over $100 a year!
Order Online and Get Groceries Delivered
If you are pressed for time and live in the right area you can get your groceries delivered to your door! This can be a real lifesaver if you are working on a deadline, have a new baby, getting ready to leave on vacation or are caring for sick children. I order diapers, wipes, toilet paper and non-perishable items all the time from Walmart via Site to Store option. Talk about a TIME and BUDGET SAVER! Not actually going to a store can also save you money from the impulse buys that might tempt you. Amazon and Walmart can ship many items right to your door. Kroger offers Click List where you can shop online and pick up groceries at a “drive-thru” like experience.
Sherry says
Great tips and a must for most households! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!