10 Tips for Tree Climbing
1. Wear Appropriate Clothes and Shoes– make sure to consider jeans or pants and sturdy tennis shoes. Will keep the climb more fun with less likely getting scrapped or scratched.
2. Location, Location, Location– if you do not own trees that are climber friendly, then you will need to find some that are. Do not go onto private property without permission. Stay out of fenced areas marked No Trespassing. We went to our local community college since they have an abundance of trees.
3. Not too BIG, Not too small, JUST RIGHT– You will need to find a tree easy enough to get in and out of, but also sturdy enough to hold your weight on the lower limbs.
4. Buddy System– ALWAYS take an adult and have a climbing buddy. It’s more fun in a group and a lot safer.
5. Beware and Use Caution– Stay away from Evergreens and poison ivy vines! Do not climb sappy trees or you will get icky, sticky goo all over you which could attract insects or bees.
6. Bring your camera or video recorder– Make sure to have someone get lots of pics of your tree climbing fun.
7. Try a variety of trees– take turns when you find a good, sturdy, easy to climb tree.
8. Refreshments– Bring snacks and drinks for on the way home. You’ll be glad that you did.
9. Remember sunscreen and/or insect repellent.
10. Be grateful for God’s great wonder the TREE!