If you are just starting your first year homeschooling or your tenth year you may find yourself needing some homeschoool curriculum support. If you enjoy Facebook Groups then you can take comfort in finding just the right homeschoool curriculum support facebook support groups for yourself or your family.
Homeschool Curriculum Support Facebook Groups
Abeka Homeschoolers-This is a closed group {membership by approval only}, for homeschooling MOMS {ladies only please}, who use the Abeka curriculum {some or all} in their home education.
ACE Homeschool Moms {A.C.E. PACES}– This group is for moms {moms only — with an exception of ACE Reps, or other known ACE “experts”} using A.C.E. PACES curriculum to meet for support, fellowship, and ideas. Conversation should be related to ACE and at the very least, homeschooling. No mama-drama allowed…ever.
AmblesideOnline– Our primary purpose is to serve those who are actively using AO & those interested in learning about AO.
Apologia Curriculum– This group was created to be a place to ask questions about Apologia Curriculum and to encourage homeschoolers and support Apologia products.
“Beautiful Feet” Curriculum ~ Parent to Parent Support– This group is for anyone using Beauitiful Feet or anyone looking at using it, to ask questions and share information. A place to find encouragement. Buy, sell, trade, or Share links.
Christian Light Education Families– This group has been organized for our members to discuss our experiences with Christian Light Education materials and to encourage each other on our homeschooling journey.
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool– This is a user support group created for parents who are using EP as their curriculum – https://something2offer.com//allinonehomeschool.com/ – or parents interested in using it. The primary function of this group is for technical support and other EP specific questions.
Guest Hollow for K-8 Curriculum Group– This discussion group is for homeschoolers to encourage and help one another as we use Guest Hollow curriculum. It can be a forum for sharing ideas, asking questions and finding joy in the journey as we learn together. All conversations will center on being kind and helpful to one another.
Guest Hollow for High School Curriculum Group– This discussion group is for homeschoolers to encourage and help one another as we use Guest Hollow curriculum, and for those who want to learn more about GH curriculum. It can be a forum for sharing ideas, asking questions and finding joy in the journey as we learn together. All conversations will center on being kind and helpful to one another. Welcome!
Heart of Dakota Publishing– This is just a chat group for anyone who wants to share about HoD…this is NOT an OFFICIAL Heart of Dakota page!!!
High School Level: Easy Peasy All-In-One Homeschool Chat Group– High School Easy Peasy All-in-One Home School Chat is here for all parents to get through High School together, ask questions and share your EP experiences.
Learning Language Arts Through Literature LLATL Moms Group– This is a Christian group where homeschool moms using Learning Language Arts Through Literature/LLATL can meet for fellowship, guidance, and ideas. Conversation should be related to LLATL and homeschooling please, though prayer requests are welcome.
Memoria Press Homeschool Families– The purpose of this group is to give advice to those using or looking into using Memoria Press Curriculum. No advertising allowed. Selling of MP curriculum is allowed, but we encourage you to list on our sister sell site.
Moms of Master Books– Please remember, this is an official Master Books group. We are dedicated to answering questions about our materials. Please keep the discussion focused on Master Books curriculum. This avoids confusion and helps our staff and authors answer questions quicker.
My Father’s World Curriculum Families-This was started as a group of friends using My Father’s World...as others have joined we’ve got a community of homeschool parents all using MFW and LOVING it!
Mystery of History Volume 1– This group is for users of Mystery of History volume 1. It is a place to share ideas and support each other. This is NOT the group for buying or selling of books.
Mystery of History Volume 2– This group is for users of Mystery of History volume 2. It is a place to share ideas and support each other. This is NOT the group for buying or selling of books. Happy Homeschooling!
Notgrass Curriculum Users– This group is a general group for fellowship, encouragement, and support for homeschoolers using Notgrass Curriculum. Please feel free to ask questions and share tips and ideas.
Oak Meadow Families– This group was created in 2012 with the intention of providing support and connecting families around the world using Oak Meadow Curriculum. We’re nearly 3,000 members strong and growing by the day. We are here to share, learn and chat with each other that is all things Oak Meadow! This is a support chat for parents using and planning to use Oak Meadow curriculum and is no way affiliated with Oak Meadow the company.
Rod & Staff Bible-Based Curriculum– This group page was created to help bring homeschool families together who have knowledge, interest or are just getting started with The Rod & Staff Curriculum. May this page be encouraging as we: Encourage each other, Share ideas, Testify and Pray for each other on this God-given Homeschool Journey.
Saxon Math for Homeschoolers-This is a group for anyone using any of the homeschool materials, from K to Advanced Math, from Saxon, at home.
Sonlight Homeschool Moms– This group is for moms using Sonlight curriculum to meet for support, fellowship, and ideas. Conversation should be related to Sonlight and at the very least, homeschooling.
Tapestry of Grace Primer– This is a support group for those using Lampstand Press’ latest offering: Tapestry Primer. We’re glad you’re here!
The Good & The Beautiful Community– This a a group for homeschooling families using the curriculum The Good & The Beautiful. This is a community forum meant to uplift, share ideas and encourage one another while using this curriculum.
Veritas Press Homeschoolers– Welcome! This is a non-sales discussion community for homeschoolers using Veritas Press classes and materials. Feel free to join the friendly discussions, ask questions, share milestones, and post photos of the way you incorporate Veritas Press materials into your schooling.
Virtual Homeschool Group– Virtual Homeschool Group is a online Homeschool Coop, that offers free classes to students. Our main website is at https://something2offer.com//www.virtualhomeschoolgroup.org/.
Unofficial Weaver Curriculum Support– Support for families who use the Weaver curriculum, or are thinking of using it, to homeschool their children.
I am sure that there are many more homeschoool curriculum support facebook support groups then I have listed so please leave a comment if you have found a group that I have forgotten. If you used a group regularly that has become particularly useful for homeschool please let me know and I will add it to one of my posts- Used Curriculum, Homeschool Methods, or Homeschool Free Resources.
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