The super Summer buzzword that came to be before 2008 but was made uber popular since the recession – the STAYCATION! You will see, hear, and read it everywhere as Summer gets closer and closer. I love the idea of a vacation but with four children 11 years and younger it may not be as fun as it sounds. This is why I think I have some reasons why Staycations are a great idea that you should consider.
1. Staycations do not place an unreasonably high standard for an elaborate vacation.
Not everyone can afford a fancy, expensive vacation. Planning a vacation above your means puts stress on the whole family. This also sets an unnecessary standard that your children with grow to expect each year! Instead plan something free, cheap or local. Create memories that are easy for your children to do with their family when they grow up (stargaze, hike, go play at a park,etc). Check your state parks, county parks, and city parks for free or cheap activities. You never know you may just create a fun family tradition!
2. Allowing your family to explore your local area gives them a better sense of contentment.
Have you explored your local small town downtown lately? Pretend you are a tourist and visit that forgotten museum or park. We realize that the 3-4 towns local to us have changed stores and restaurants since our kids have been born! Hubby and I keep saying that we should spend a day perusing quaint shops and buy local. We have yet to do so, but it could be fun with or without children!
3. Knowing your surrounding makes understanding yourself easier.
Do you children know how to safely make it around the block? Do you have a local relative that you can walk or bike to? Pedestrian Safety should be on every families list. Teaching your children how to get to the library and back home are important life skills. Making sure they know their phone number, address, and parents names are also VERY important. Don’t forget about simple ways to learn geography like map reading, orienteering, and geocaching.
4. Family bonds created at an early age are priceless.
You cannot turn back the clock and create memories that do not exist. Have your children begged to go fishing or fly a kite or play a game of pickup basketball? Have you made the time to facilitate their request? Why or why not? Family bonds are super important to build and nourish throughout your family culture.
5. Think about what your family did or did not do for vacations.
What was your favorite memory? What was your worst memory? How can you help your children have great Summer memories? I would encourage you to sit down with your spouse and children to brainstorm simple and cheap ways to spend the Summer together. Check out things we came up with in my post: Cheap Ways to Have Fun This Summer!
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