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I am a planner and goal setter by nature but usually have trouble following through. My goals are lofty and well intentioned, but often come crashing down due to lack of habit. I’ve been floundering with the whole “get up early” and get my day started for a LONG while. Not sure how it happened. Maybe it was the birth of a 3rd child and our new homeschooling endeavor. Whatever it was now is the time to redeciate the mornings to the LORD and not allow my life to slip by without meaning or purpose!
I often find myself sitting down at the PC in the mornings just getting ready to “do something” when my toddler comes running in wanting mommy. While I love holding him and snuggling he is now big enough to wiggle his toes on the keyboard or grad the mouse and make a mess of mommies work:) This tends to make me feel frustrated or irritated that I didn’t get up early enough to accomplish anything without interruption.
I need to get more sleep, better sleep. I need to get to sleep roughly the same time each night and/or take a short nap in the day if our days are long. I need to get children to bed at decent times per their circadian rhythms. (I’ve got two early-birds and 1 night owl. The night owl get lots of ideas between 8:30pm and 11pm.) I need to express to my husband how he can help with bedtime routine even when he works till 9pm, which will allow for me to wrap up my day and plan for tomorrow.
I believe making a list of what needs to be done so the important gets taken care of and not sidetracked by an “urgent” whim. I believe meal planning, Bible reading/listening and school scheduling will take our family life to the next level. One of peace. One of consistency. One of simple expectation.
Join me while I Maximize my Mornings with: