10 Apple Activities
1. Counting– real or plastic apples. You can use number cards or just line them up and count them. (linked to my apple pinterest board with loads of apple fun!)
2. Sorting and Matching– by size, color, taste, etc. You can decide which attribute your child should work and create a fun activity to do it in. I found bulletin board strips from Dollar General that could easily be cut up for this. Each strip has 10 apples. You can number them or letter them or use shapes or words. Again create an activity with your child’s skill level in mind.
3. Literature– so many wonderful books to learn about apples! Add a finger play, poem, or story sequence cards to round out your learning time!
4. Transferring/Pouring- Plastic apples or red beads would work great for this. I have plastic apple beads from years ago that I bought at a small hometown bead/craft store. These would be great with a long-handled teaspoon or pouring from a pitcher.
Photo Onceuponadayinpreschool.blogspot.com
5. Lacing- plastic apples, red wooden blocks, or red beads could all represent apples! Use lacing string or bamboo skewers with the ends dulled for this lacing activity. You could make apple-shaped lacing cards on heavy cardstock. Apple Jacks cereal would be fun to lace on yarn and eat!
Photo teachpreschool.org
6. Art- apples sliced and printed or apple-shaped sponges.
photo RockabyeButterfly.com
7. Fine Motor- created an a bare apple tree on paper. Then allow you child to place small pom-poms on the tree for apples. You can glue them, use magnetic pom-poms, or glass gems. Be SAFE and monitor your child with small objects and choking hazards!
8. Science- weighing apples, measuring circumference, or checking density by seeing if your apples sink or float could all be adapted for various ages of children.
photos snippetsbysarah.blogspot.com
8. Math- an apple graph of what you can do with apples or the different colors of apples would be a fun math activity.
Photo icanteachmychild.com
9. Playdoh Mat– simple to print apple mats and making apple pie scented play-doh would be an added bonus.
Photo CountingCoconuts.blogspot.com
Source: childcareland.com via Carolyn on Pinterest
10. Taste Test- go to an Apple Orchard or Farmer’s Market to get a variety of apples that are NOT usually in grocery stores OR try a variety of apple products such as:
apple chips
apple crisp
apples in peanut butter or almond butter
apples dipped in chocolate
I got a little carried away pinning apple recipes-oops!
Photo Play Create Explore.com
My FALL Pinterest Board and TOT SCHOOL Board
A is for Apple– Preschool Unit
Science Printables from SnippetsbySarah.blogspot.com
Apples Preschool and Tot Pack by 2 Teaching Mommies
Letter Aa Printables from 1plus1plus1equals1.com
Apples Days and Months Printable from Owens Family
A is for Apples Preschool Lesson Plans ReReleased by Melissa
Really nice list of wonderful apple themed things to do! I will include with my links in my Using for Apples post and will also pin it:) I will also try to send you a link to my Using Apples recipes if I can. Lovely post.
How fun. Last year we made a apple pie and had a lot of fun rolling dough, measuring ingredient, etc. We also sliced and talked about drying our apple slices. Great Ideas for fun!
Thanks for stopping by. I’ve got apple slices in the dehydrator as I type this. Hoping to allow Lil’Red some apple fun in the next week or so.
[email protected]
Thank you for pinning my post. So glad you liked the ideas. Trying to find fun things to share.
[email protected]
Hi! I found your link through the Tot School Link up and noticed that you shared a great list of Apple activities! However, the Tot School link up is a place for moms to share what they did the previous week with their tots. Sorry for any confusion about that! Let me know if you have any questions, I’d love to see you link a post up showing what you did last week with your tot, using all of your own photos! 😉
Also-thanks for sharing my Letter Aa Tot School printables, I really appreciate it! I see you accidentally linked directly to the pdf file instead of the blog post itself {or the webpage where the file is hosted}, if you could change that , that would be fabulous! Here’s the correct link: https://something2offer.com//www.1plus1plus1equals1.net/2011/03/tot-school-printables/
Thanks so much! 😉
Great list of apple activities and freebies! I always love apple activities in the fall … they remind me of my grandma’s apple tree (which I miss). Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page: https://something2offer.com//www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow
Thanks so much for stopping by and for featuring my post! I do not know much about Montessori, but like tot school and tot tray ideas.
Thanks so much,
Wonderful ideas to learn with apples – we are going to try the size sorting with our windfall this week. Thank you for linking to Tuesday Tots and just to let you know that I will be featuring this post tomorrow on Rainy Day Mum
Glad you liked the apple ideas. Thanks for sharing and featuring me! So excited.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thaleia from Something2offer.com
Great ideas, I’m trying to put together some activities for my little one to do when I’m off work. These will be fun. Thanks for sharing at my Our Favorite Things Link Party.
Glad you found the ideas helpful. Hope your little one enjoys the new activities you create.