Yesterday I shared how we made a homemade geoboard and ways we have played with it. Today I am sharing a ton of free printable geoboard activities. You can learn all sorts of things not just math concepts. I hope you enjoy some of these free resources as much as we do.
Practice learning your letters both upper case and lower case with these geoboard letter cards.
Practice making your numbers with these geoboard number cards.
A quick and easy math center would be creating a geoboard shape file folder game like I found on File Folder Fun.
Geoboard Printable Pack includes shapes, patterns, and a blank geoboard paper to help your child create some unique designs.
We love busy bags and this post about making a geoboard busy bag with activity card printable is a great idea for your little learner.
A great way to learn about pattern and symmetry would be to use these pegboard flash cards.
You can still learn and play with geobaord paper if you do not own a geoboard! Check out this post with some ideas about geoboard patterns. The children drew patterns by copying the ones created by their parent or teacher.