HAPPY EARTH DAY!! If your family is anything like mine then t-shirts rule the roost! My hubby used to work at Gamestop and was given a new t-shirt every month or so. He wasn’t supposed to wear them after the promo period. So we have tons of t-shirts that mean nothing to us!
The bad thing about these t-shirts are often the large graphics for video games. The good thing is the amount of material that can be recycled into a new t-shirt creation or accessory. I have dabbled in a few creative things found on pinterest such as a necklace, brooch, and plan to make some more projects soon.
10 Fabulous Ways to Recycle a T-shirt:
Pom Pom Bib Necklace Tutorial– I think this would make for a simple, elegant gift for the woman in your life.
Petal Shirt: A Tutorial– a quick way to dress up a plain Summer top.
Ruffly Shirt Refashion– get an expensive designer look without the price.
Side Gathered Shirt – Tutorial – I own a nursing shirt that is similar but cost $35+.
T-shirts transformed in to Ruffle Skirt– I think this would be super cute to make for Princess or maybe myself!
T-Shirt Rag Quilt Pillow would be great for a college dorm room.
T-shirt DIY Necklace.– I’m thinking this would make for a simple Mother’s Day gift.
D.I.Y: Recycled T-Shirt Scarf – A nice way to dress up slightly on a budget.
Recyelced t-shirt diaper– great way to cover your little bums for a super cheap price!
Baby Shortall From Adult T-Shirt: Pattern and Tutorial – My hubby has some great shirts that would be awesome as baby clothes for this Summer!
Not totally convinced to save your t-shirts? Check out all the other awesome possibilities via my pinterest board:
Visit Thaleia @something2offer.com Something2Offer’s board on Pinterest.
Those are great! 🙂 I’ve also made underwear for my kids out of old t-shirts. Pre-softened!
Hi Thaleia,
Thanks for your sharing information where to Recycle a T-shirt , Certainly my Wife will bookmark this Page haha .