AWE- is the best way to describe how Lil’ Red reacted to his first fireworks. We park at a city park two bridges away from where the fireworks are shot off. This allows us an incredible view without hurting our necks or EARS. The sky was clear of clouds which made the booms even quieter this year.
Lil’ Red was in the van with me nursing when the first boom shot off. He turned his head quickly and his eyes lit up! No more nummy nums for him. We got out of the car and he started raising his hands in the air. He was shaking them in delight. Sometimes both hands sometimes one hand but he was very excited at the sights and sounds. If he had not liked the sights and sounds then I would have stayed in the van with him for a much quieter evening.
We always pack our jackets, camp chairs, blankets, and bedtime snacks for fireworks each year. We put little ones in their jammies and bring some fun things to do while we wait for the first booms to be shot off. We bring battery powered glow sticks for younger ones and sparklers for older kids which are highly supervised with dad, aunt, and uncle and just 4 kids!
Safety first is our family motto when fun involves anything remotely dangerous! Everyone gets a sparkler that is lit one at a time and then everyone spreads far out so that no one runs into each other or accidentally hits someone with a burning hot stick!
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