Comparison posts are one of my favorites because when you have the opportunity to take two things (maybe related or maybe not) and compare them, it can be super fun! Comparison posts are all about showing how two objects (either virtual or physical) are alike and different according to your perspective. For example, I did a comparison between two types of yarn and wrote about it. I talked about how each of the yarns felt and how each responded during a burn test; I also created a stitch block with them and even washed them. In the end, one was clearly more durable and color fast while the other was softer and natural feeling.
Now you don’t have to compare yarn, you could compare anything. Comparisons will help you continue to build up your clout as an authority in your field and in the blogosphere. So, compare-away! Here are 10 blog topics/title you can use either directly or as inspiration for your next blog post – happy comparing!
10 Comparison Blog Topics/Titles
- Play-Doh™ Brand vs. Homemade Play Dough: The Kid Comparison Test
- Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads: Getting the Most Reach for your $1
- Pros & Cons for Digital Calendars (or Print Calendars)
- Pros & Cons of Name Brand (Fill In the Blank) vs. the Generic
- Is Knitting Better than Crochet? (Or Vice Versa)
- Is Home School Better Than Public School? (Or Vice Versa)
- The Best Places to Get Married in (Fill in the Blank with a Location).
- The Best Places to Learn Online
- 3 Apple Cobbler Recipes Compared and Put to the Test
- Dog vs. Cat: Which One Will Win You Over First?
I’d like to thank Thaleia Maher of Something2Offer for hosting this event. She has been the inspiration and driving force behind this collaborative challenge and it wouldn’t have happened without her. Please take a moment to visit other pages on her site as well as check out the other Hostesses helping out who have made this challenge possible. Thank you everyone! If you have questions or would like more help with your blog, please contact me directly.
See you tomorrow for Day 5,
I like your statement about it building clout as an authority in your field.That is so true. I personally feel that the more you read on a site about a subject, the more they have knowledge about it, and I am more trusting of them.
As long as we don’t start comparing ourselves, I’m game! 🙂
I’m definitely a big fan of being you and never comparing yourself with others. .. it’s never served me well.