Welcome to Boost Your Blog in 100 Days! I’m so excited you have chosen to take this journey with me and my dear challenge hostesses! I hope to get to meet you a little bit along the way via facebook, twitter, pinterest, and your blogs. My goal for this 100 days is to spruce up our blogs together and kick our usage and understanding of Social Media into high gear.
Why did you start your blog? Do you intend to create an income or just share your life to the world? What has been your biggest blogging challenge so far? Leave me comments and feedback so we can plan some incredible challenges that meet your needs!
Today’s Boost Your Blog challenge is to comment on 10 different blogs. Read a blog post that sounds interesting to you and provide a thoughtful comment of 2-4 sentences if possible. I will be providing you with 10 blogs each day during this challenge to comment on. You may also wish to follow some bloggers on their other social media platforms as well, but this is not required during the first 10 day challenge.
Commenting on other’s blogs will provide you will back-links to your blog. Creating these links to your blog will help with SEO by lowering your Alexa rating and possibly boosting where your blog lands on SERP. Thoughtful comments may peak readers interests from those blogs or from the blog author’s themselves thus getting traffic and comments in return.
Remember to leave a quality comment for each of the 10 bloggers. I did my best to try to bring quality blogs that welcome comments and the chance to meet other bloggers during this 100 day challenge.
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Drumroll for today’s blogger please….
I started my blog just to record things I was doing with my daughter, not really thinking anybody would read it! My biggest challenge with blogging so far has been trying to monetize the blog without losing focus on why I started it in the first place. I’ve loved this comments challenge!
I started my Blog because I wanted to learn WordPress my biggest challenge is determining what is the best way for me to monetize.
I started my blog, originally about 3 years ago, to keep my family and friends abreast of the mission work we were doing and how our family was engaging and changing. It was a horrible mismatch of fonts, colors, graphics etc. At the beginning of the year I revamped it, deleting old posts and beginning a serious journey of blogging. My goal is still to share our journey with others, but to extend it beyond our family and friends. I hope eventually it will become a source of income. However, for now I am focused on learning the ropes and improving my skills in writing, presentation and techie stuff : )
I began blogging as a way to preserve memories of my children and as a writing discipline. I didn’t realize how much I would love it and the hours and hours of time it would take. I want to be able to earn some income from it – who doesn’t want to make money doing something they really like??!! – but I have a hard time navigating the feeling of selling out (which, I realize, is pretty ridiculous and when I questioned my readers they seemed in full support of whatever I need to do to make this journey work for me). It’s something I need to figure out. I recently posted my first sponsored post and I feel…okay about it…
I’d really love to know if I’m alone in these weird feelings and what kind of advice anyone could give in regards to earning money while maintaining ‘blog integrity’.
When I decided to become a SAHM, I started my blog to interact more with other parents. I would love to be able to monetize it more to help pay for a few extras around here, especially since we are considering homeschool for this next year.
I began blogging because I struggle with depression and anxiety and and wanted to share my story with others and offer hope. I also parent two strong-personalitied kiddos and would love to hear what works for others and also, offer ideas and insight of my own. I now home school my 7 year-old daughter and that has entered the scene of blogging for me.
My biggest challenge is growing my audience and getting my blog out there. I entered the world of Twitter, but am a bit intimidated by it!
I wanted to share my crafts with everyone. Little did I know that I would no longer have time to craft. I’ve slowly been drifting in other directions with my blog. I hope this challenge will help me focus.
I Create Purty Thangs
I started by blog just to engage with friends and share my crazy life with others. I don’t make money with it and I really don’t plan on turning it into a rolling advertisement. I do enjoy writing, and that is all I desire for my blog to showcase.
I began blogging to record stories about my family and life, then it became a journal of sorts for me, then a way to share our homeschool journey and suggestions, and now a possible source of income would be nice.
As a natural writer, it gives me a place to write.
I started blogging to share our recipes and experiences. Now, I’m trying to make the shift to monetize it which has been a somewhat overwhelming process as I am really new to this world. I’m still not sure where to start to make serious overhauls to my blog in order to get it to where I want it to be. Somewhere down the line, I’d love to be able to make a living from it, but that won’t be for a very long time, if ever. For now, I am focusing on gaining traffic and producing appealing content while I learn the ropes better.
As I learn more about blogging, and try to gain skills overall, I am really enjoying connecting to other bloggers, especially given how isolating being a SAHM in a foreign country can be.
I started my blog about a year and a half ago to document my journey to running my first marathon. Today, it serves to share my fitness goals and my story as a working mother, wife and teacher who is balancing an active lifestyle. My biggest challenge so far has been regular posting. Sometimes I feel like I have a post to write every day and other’s I’ve struggled with saying anything at all. Thank you for this challenge! I’m a little late to the party but am ready to dig in today.
I enjoy collecting and creating crafts. I started my blog as a place to catalog and share my projects. I’ve attended a couple of blogging conferences and would like to figure out how to generate more traffic and income.
I originally started blogging just to record our memories, activities, etc. Then others started to pay attention to some of the posts I wrote. Then I somewhat morphed into blogging for others, but then I got away from my original intent. Now I’m heading back toward blogging our memories, activities, etc., and if it helps others, that makes me happy. I want to grow my blog to help others and to form relationships with others, but I don’t want to lose my purpose again.
I started my blog with the hopes of generating additional income. Like so many out there, we are a single income household, and the idea of my husband getting a 2nd job without my trying to at least do SOMETHING was more than I could bare! Now that I’m here, and especially since starting this Challenge, my take on things has changed. While I’m still looking to get to that point of income, I’m loving these amazing blogs as sources that will help me to be a better wife and mom at home!