Welcome to Boost Your Blog in 100 Days! I’m so excited you have chosen to take this journey with me and my dear challenge hostesses! I hope to get to meet you a little bit along the way via facebook, twitter, pinterest, and your blogs. My goal for this 100 days is to spruce up our blogs together and kick our usage and understanding of Social Media into high gear.
Today starts Challenge 3- Twitter! Your hostess for the next 10 days will be Honey from Honey’s Life. Be sure to head on over for Day 21 of Boost Your Blog.
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Twitter Tips! Free Twitter Tips!
On your mark, get set, TWEET! This next 10 days you will be learning from Honey all about Twitter! Lots of great tips and tricks for Twitter including hashtags, advertising, what makes a good tweet, what program to use, and how often to re-tweet will be covered. Are you ready for the tweeting journey of a lifetime? Fly right over to Honey’s site to join in on all the tweeting fun.
Have you ever joined a Twitter party? Did you follow along or feel lost? What program did you use to follow: Hoot, TweetDeck, Tweet Chat? Got general Twitter questions. HONEY HAS ANSWERS! Please leave comments and questions here or on Honey’s blog.
We’re just chugging along, aren’t we? I thoroughly enjoyed the last 10 days learning grammar. Or should I say relearning. I’m excited now to be learning more on twitter. I admit that I don’t know much.
Thank for for sticking with us. So excited that you are still chugging along! More great things to come. Honey is awesome at Twitter!
I too am still chugging along! There’s only been the one day of the Tweet part so far, right? I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything! I’ve been loving this challenge! Thank you!