Boost Your Blog in 100 Days
Welcome to Boost Your Blog in 100 Days! I’m so excited you have chosen to take this journey with me and my dear challenge hostesses! I hope to get to meet you a little bit along the way via facebook, twitter, pinterest, and your blogs. My goal for this 100 days is to spruce up our blogs together and kick our usage and understanding of Social Media into high gear.
STOP right now and tell a friend or two to come and join us while learning step by step information to grow your blog. There definitely is power in numbers and you just might need an extra cheerleader along the way! And now, your first step is …
Today’s Boost Your Blog challenge is to comment on 10 different blogs. Read a blog post that sounds interesting to you and provide a thoughtful comment of 2-4 sentences if possible. I will be providing you with 10 blogs each day during this challenge to comment on. You may also wish to follow some bloggers on their other social media platforms as well, but this is not required during the first 10 day challenge.
Commenting on other’s blogs will provide you will back-links to your blog. Creating these links to your blog will help with SEO by lowering your Alexa rating and possibly boosting where your blog lands on SERP. Thoughtful comments may peak readers interests from those blogs or from the blog author’s themselves thus getting traffic and comments in return.
Remember to leave a quality comment for each of the 10 bloggers. I did my best to try to bring quality blogs that welcome comments and the chance to meet other bloggers during this 100 day challenge.
Today’s 10 blogs are:
Thanks for this Thaleia. I am enjoying it so much. You’ve helped me get excited about blogging again. I can’t wait to see all the new blogging friends I’m going to make. Of course some are old friends. But it’s nice to reconnect.
I Create Purty Thangs
Off to comment and meet a few new bloggers! Thanks for this fun challenge!
I did not realize you could help your own blog by commenting on other blogs! Great information. Thanks for doing this! I think it will help me a lot!
Thank you for the challenge 🙂
I’m so excited for this! I just commented on all 10 blogs, and found some great ones to start following. Thanks for doing this!
I am excited about what I will learn and accomplish in the next 100 days. This is a great boost to me as I am new to serious blogging. I have blogged off and on for about 3 years. But this year one of my New Year’s Resolutions was to post something on my blog at least once a week. I basically started over. I am actually on par with my goal! I look forward to meeting other bloggers and to learning and accomplishing much!
Valentine’s Day: A Change in Perspective
Life and Blessings,
so glad you are having fun!
Thank you for this challenge! I came over from My Turn for Us when I saw Evelyn post about it, and I am excited to join up. I have hit a slump and need to get back into blogging, especially since I started a new blog last July when I started my business. I have written less now than when I had my hobby blog…is it because it is ‘work’ now? I don’t know, but hopefully this challenge will develop habits that stick, ones I can enjoy again.
Debbie 🙂
I’m so excited that I came across this post in my email. I have been looking for ways to boost and improve my blog. This first challenge is a lot of fun. I have really enjoyed visiting these first 10 blogs and am hoping to make some new blogging friends along the way. Thanks for this awesome idea!
I just finished another commenting challenge last week and had a ton of fun! My goal is to do everything I can to grow my blog this year, so I am exciting to try out this challenge too! Thanks for hosting!!
Thank you for joining us! Super excited you are excited to join in.
You sound like a very busy lady! Glad you could join in.
I am glad you decided to join us.
I was delighted to find new comments on my blog this am! *off to look at other blogs*
What a fun challenge. I’ve already been visiting your 10 blogs for today and enjoyed checking them out!!
Thank you for this opportunity! Looking forward to connecting with other bloggers and readers!
I’m excited for the adventure and inspiration. Already I have found new blogs that I want to keep track of, and more recipes and homeschooling ideas than I can possibly keep up with!!
Thank goodness for Pinterest, right? I keep all my recipe and homeschool ideas there:) Thanks for joining us.
I finished Day 1 yesterday! I am a bit behind but I will get caught up in no time 🙂 Very excited to check out so many awesome blogs. Such a great idea.
I am super excited about the 100 day challenge. The bonus is getting to be walked right up to some new and great blogs. I am not sure I would have found you without the challenge!
I am so glad I found this 100 day challenge, it sounds like so much fun! I guess it is time to get busy!
This sounds like a fun challenge! I will be forwarding this challenge to my blogger friends. Thanks so much!
How do I go about changing the blog address in the link up?
I just decided late last night to merge two of my blogs…bad timing I know since I had already begun your fun 100 Day Challenge of blog comments. Oops! The blog address that I would like in the link up and for people to check out is
I’ve been debating about changing my blogs for awhile and after talking it through with my husband this morning I decided to go for it!
Now, I need to remember everywhere I have posted the blog addresses so I can update them. Yikes!
Sorry for the ramble.
I think I’ll go check out more blogs for a bit to unwind after dealing with my own blog issues.
Ooops! I think I misunderstood the #BB100 directions. I have been commenting and posting the link to my blog on the other blogs. OK. I’ll stop doing that now, but here is my fledgeling blog that I have been struggling to keep alive with just one post per month: Those of you who like life’s simplicity may find it a nice break from your day.
Otherwise, I am enjoying reading the first 10 blogs. So glad to see the heavy emphasis on simplicity in life and so many of the simple pleasures life offers us!
Day 1 is done! I just joined the challenge three days ago so I am trying to catch up. Thanks for hosting!
Just take it one day at a time. Yes, please visit each of the 10 blogs for the day and then comment on any of them which you can relate to.
Thanks for this opportunity and idea. Not sure if I will commit to it for the full 100 days but like the idea of looking for different blogs to interact with and build a community/relationship with.
Found your site on Pinterest. I am a fairly new blogger and I am going to follow along even though I am a bit late. Thank you for this info, it should help. I am looking forward to poking around here to find more ideas to help me.
So glad you found #BB100 and having a chance to learn:)
Found you on Twitter but I’m not even sure I remember how I found you there! I mentioned before that I was excited to start doing this even if I am a bit behind. Now that my crazy weekend is over I can actually get started! Thank you for setting this up and the awesome bloggers to check out!
Well, no matter how you found us. So glad you did. please fell free to leave any questions about Boost your Blog so we can get you caught up!