Digging Deeper: Controversial Topics
I have not thought to delve into controversial topics until recently and here is why:
A dear friend of mine was very impressed with my blog so far. We had talked about it while are children visited and played over the summer during our homeschool “break”. She researched and thought about starting a website, but I had actually taken the plunge in a lifestyle mommy blog.
There was a question posed by this same friend of mine. Are you going to delve into those controversial topics such as vaccination or circumcision? To be honest I had not even thought about it. It’s not that I am afraid to go there. I guess I just do not want to get caught up in personal debate and all the drama and hard feelings often associated with these topics. I’ve got enough drama and stress in my REAL-LIFE to bring drama into my bloggy world! Yes, I do realize that hot topics often drive lots of traffic with all sorts of heated topics, but I am just not quite ready to go there, yet. I am going to work on my positions before delving into those hot topics. Hope this doesn’t disappoint you dear friend, but I am working up to it!
(Ironically the day or 2 after I wrote this post, initially, I signed up to review 31 Days to GREAT Sex for Married Couples!)
Here’s what I will say for now:
We had made our choice about circumcision with our first son, after much debate and research between my husband and myself. (We are not Jewish so we are under no religious obligations to choose circumcision.) So with our 2nd son, we made that same choice easy peasy! We made our choice and we encourage other parents to make an INFORMED decision not just do what everyone else does or what the doctor says (unless there’s truly a medical reason necessitating a certain choice).
Vaccination controversy made us “fire” a pediatrician when she made us feel like horrible parents if we did not vaccinate on her/CDC’s schedule. No matter how much you plead or argue with a person they will always make their own choice.
The parents I am really scared for are all those that DO NOT RESEARCH or read ANYTHING about the health and well-being of their children. Those poor children grow up in a house where parents just do what the doctor or grandma recommends. Most likely experiencing knee-jerk reactionary decisions! No real thought goes into it on the parents end. They act like sheep and just go with the crowd. SHAME ON YOU! If you are one of THOSE parents, please take a moment and research your options for health care, education, and spiritual growth. YOU ARE THE PARENT and IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to do your BEST in raising your child.
So this will be my starting point from which I will then begin to post controversial post topics in the future. I have NOT determined a set platform for my blog. Right now I am still putting feelers out to see what resonates with those readers who have found my blog.
Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question or message me on Facebook if you’d like a certain controversial topic discussed. If you would like to guest post please let me know what topic you think my reader’s would like to learn from you!
We struggled with whether or not to circumcise and in the end, I let my husband have final say, thinking he was the one who would have to do much of the education in that area. (Boy was I mistaken! My husband hasn’t educated in that area at ALL. I’m the one who has done it!!! But that’s neither here nor there). As for the vaccinations, I wish I’d asked the hospital to hold off on the “newborn” ones and let us space them out much more. But once I did some more research, we did space out the others more. I got into this huge argument with a nurse in my doctors office once when the vaccine requirements for starting school changed a few years ago. My then 4 year old was due for SIX shots at one visit and I flat out said no. The nurse was none to happy about it, but I got my way.
Since I had a girl, I didn’t have to worry about circumsising! As far as vaccinations goes – my daughter had some when she was very young. Then I began to read more about them and decided to hold off. I was going back to college and to school to become a Massage Therapist and had to have someplace for my daughter to stay during the day. Day care was the only resort and of course, they would not accept her without shots. I had to give in, even though I would have preferred to not. I agree with your statement about knowing our children the best. My daughter used to have montly Dr. visits for strep or tonsilitis, she was referred to a specialist to have her tonsils out. I decided to take her off milk (after reading about it) and she was not sick again for years! Good luck with all of your articles.
We, too, had girls, so we didn’t have to make this decision. You give good advice to be an educated consumer. For decades we assumed doctors knew best. While they know a tremendous amount, we are ultimately our own best advocates! Thanks for sharing at NOBH!
Yes, it is a tough derision but parents need to take a stand for their child’s care starting with conception. As soon as you let other make those choices for you it is very hard to get your rights back.
being a parent is getting tougher and tougher, while the medical community is getting wimpy. They just go with the CDC and do what they are told without any forethought of the consequences. Doctors force parents into complying with guilt trips and threats of reporting them.
We are our children’s BEST advocates and FIRST teachers. We have to hold that very near and dear to our hearts!
Yes these are two very controversial topics and both camps feel passionately about their belief. We made the choices that we felt were best for our family, and I have friends who disagree. But the nice part is that we all grace each other, knowing that the choices we made were out of love for our children – no matter how varied they are. No parent sets out to be a bad or irresponsible parent. Most parents genuinely want what is best for their children – and for each family that looks different. What’s necessary is that as mothers we encourage each other in that and support each other, even when we don’t agree. Because at the end of the day, most moms have had several moments when they’ve questioned their ability to parent well…they certainly don’t need a fellow mom to reinforce that erroneous thought.
Thank you for linking up at Weekend Link Up Party. Sadly it is being put on hold for now so I can spend more time with my family. But I hope to see you around the blog hops.
I really like this post. I’m with you. I even have sentence in my “about” that says I won’t talk about vaccination or circumcision ; ) I’m like you and I know topics like that can drive traffic, but I’m not here to get into a debate with anyone and I can respect both sides of those decisions. I completely agree that research is the important part and not necessarily the choice the parents make. I just think more parents need to take the time to research these topics as well as others such as nutrition before choosing formula without considering breastfeeding, or shoveling baby cereal into their children. None of these things are bad, it’s just important to know WHAT you’re giving your child and WHY. OK. Novel over ; )
Agreed. It can be unsettling to say the least to disagree with the doctor, but sometimes it has to happen. As you note, it is crucial to get educated. I tell all moms to remember they are their child’s best advocate.
Thanks for sharing your link at my new Linkup!
thanks for sharing how you deal with controversial topics on your blog:)