Are your little one hopping to find some Easter eggs? How about a family event that includes a visit from the Easter Bunny? I have found some free and paid events around the Miami Valley! This year it looks like 3 weekends in a row of great Egg Hunt and Easter Bunny events!
April 5, 2019
First Friday Easter Egg Hunt at Downtown Tipp City at 5pm
Our First Friday in April will once again be our Downtown Easter Egg Hunt with FREE bunny photos at the Library! Kids can stroll around the downtown collecting candy and eggs in participating businesses and you can get your Spring Easter photo taken with our cute bunny as well.
April 6, 2019
Community Block Party at The Church of Eastmont 2pm-5pm
Event will include- music, hot dogs, popcorn, games, obstacle courses, bouncy house and church tours.
April 7, 2019
Easter Egg Splash at Miami County YMCA Robinson Branch 2pm
Kids ages 6 and under are encouraged to join us for this FREE event for members at our Robinson Branch! Pictures with the Easter bunny, games, and a splash into the pool for collecting eggs with your parents! Prizes for all participants! Pre-registration is required. $5 non-members
April 12, 2019
Extreme Easter Egg Hunt at Russ Nature Reserve at 7:30pm (16+/$)
Easter egg hunts aren’t just for kids anymore! This egg hunt is amped up and sure to be a wild time! Can you find Easter eggs in the dark? If you can, you could win prizes. Participants must have a flashlight to participate. Cost is only $5 to join the moonlight hunt…register online at or call us at 562-6440. Open to those 16 years and older..
Reverse Egg Hunt at Stillwater Church 7pm
Get excited for the StillwaterKIDS first reverse egg hunt! Head to
the FP Campus at 7pm on Fri, April 12 for games, crafts, concessions, and more! You won’t want to miss this! Email [email protected] with questions.
April 13, 2019
Community Easter Egg Hunt at Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church 9:30 am-noon
Families with children up to age 12 are invited to a community Easter egg hunt with thousands of filled eggs. Kids enjoy crafts, games, a petting zoo, snacks, hot chocolate and much more, along with a visit from the Easter bunny.
For more information about this event and other activities taking place at Ginghamsburg Church, visit the website— or call the church at 937.667.1069.
Community Easter Egg Hunt by Field of Grace Church at Covington Community Park 1pm
Fields of Grace will hold its annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Covington Community Park on Saturday, April 13th. the Egg hunt will start PROMPTLY at 1:00 pm so come early. We will have a bike raffle and Easter baskets to give away. Scott Family McDonald’s has given a generous donation of Happy meals for a year. Winner must be present at the time their name is pulled for the prizes. Our youngest egg hunt area will be filled with slips of paper that you can turn in for baby items/toys. We hope you will come out and enjoy the festivities!
Easter Bunny Breakfast at Sidney Women of the Moose 10am-noon
WOTM’s Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast will include a coloring contest, balloon creations for the kids, breakfast, and Easter Bunny appearance/ photo ops with eggs for the kids. Cost is FREE for kids age 10 and under. $8.00 all others who eat.
Menu includes: muffins, sausage, eggs, cheesy potatoes, juice and milk.
RSVP to Social Quarters by April 9th to attend please 🙂
Easter at Cabela’s Centerville at various times (April 13-21)
Free 4×6 printed photo. Packages will be available for purchase. Free crafts on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays ONLY!
Free giveaways for the first 75 kids to have their photo taken Monday-Thursday ONLY!
Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday (April 21st) beginning at 2pm!
Easter Egg Hunt at Piqua Manor 10-11am
Join Piqua Manor on April 13th for our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Enjoy donuts, coffee, cakes and pictures with the Easter Bunny!!
Easter Eggstravaganza at StoryPoint Troy 10am
Bring all the kids and grand kids to our Easter Eggstravaganza featuring an Easter Egg Hunt, Prizes if you find the Golden Egg
and Crafts. The Easter Bunny will be here also, So bring your cameras. Event will take place in our Courtyards.
Underwater Easter Egg Hunt at Vandalia Rec Center 9am ($)
All egg hunters welcome! Search for eggs and turn in eggs for candy and prizes. Stay and enjoy open swim after hunts are complete. Participants must be able to swim and must be accompanied by an adult. Ages: 3 – 8
Location: Vandalia Recreation Center Pool
Fees: $5 Resident/VRC Member • $7 Non-Resident
Register Here!
Visit with The Easter Bunny at Buckeye Harley Davidson at noon
The Easter Bunny will be visiting Buckeye Harley-Davidson on April 13th from 12pm-3pm! You’ll be able to take pictures with him so don’t forget your cell phones and cameras!
April 14, 2019
Hide and Peep Egg Hunt at The Mall at Fairfield Commons 9am
SAVE THE DATE! Our family-fun egg hunt is just around the corner, and we’d love to have you, your kiddos, your friends and your fam here with us. Come hunt for eggs and enjoy some other springtime celebrations with us. Looking forward to it!
Registration opens March 24th. Visit website for additional details.
April 19, 2019
Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt (18+) at Wayne High School by Engage City Church 9pm ($)
Over $5000 worth of prizes in the eggs! Open to all adults (18+). Tickets are $10. Only 600 tickets available
Get yours at
April 20, 2019
Annual Easter Egg Hunt on the Square at Shelby County Courthouse at 11am
Children through the 5th grade search far and wide around the Historic Court House for hidden eggs. **There is no need to arrive early. The hunt will not begin until 11:00 a.m. sharp. ** We will gather for announcements and then allow the kids to begin the hunt! Please be sure to be courteous and kind to one another. 🙂
There will be 4 age groups: Ages 1-2, Ages 3-5, Ages 6-8 and Ages 9-11
Annual Vandalia Community Egg Hunt at Vandalia Sports Complex 11am
Bring your own basket and join us for an egg hunt with the City of Vandalia, Butler Township, Butler High School Softball, Girls Basketball Teams and the First Baptist Church of Vandalia! Meet at the Vandalia Sports Complex Soccer Concession Stand.
For ages 10 and under. FREE community event; no registration
Egg the City Egg Hunt at Wayne High School at 10am (*special needs)
1st Hunt 10:40 am (0-5 years)
2nd Hunt 11:00 am (K-3rd grades)
3rd Hunt 11:20 am (4th-6th grades)
*4th Hunt 11:40 am This hunt is designed for families who have a child with any special needs. We want to provide a safe, and fun experience for your whole family. Register For Free at
Easter Eggstravaganza at Tipp City Church of the Nazarene 10am
Join us for a free family fun event on Saturday, April 20th starting at 10 AM. There will be an opening in our church sanctuary followed by and egg hunt for ages birth-5th grade. The morning will include prizes and an egg hunt for all ages, followed by games, crafts, snacks, inflatables, and much more! You don’t want to miss it. So grab your basket and a friend and join us here at TC Naz.
Family Egg Hunt at Troy Christian Church 9am
Egg Hunt will begin promptly at 9:00 am followed by a free pancake breakfast for the whole family. Over 7,000 eggs will be available in two different age appropriate zones.
Egg Stravaganza at Miami County Fairgrounds hosted by Life Ministry 11am-2pm
10,000 Easter egg hunt, with carnival games, cotton candy, popcorn, hotdogs, nachos and everything is FREE. 1pm is the Easter egg hunt! This event is for ages 2-11.
Easter Eggstravaganza at The Valley Church at 11am
Free Event to the community for children up to the 5th grade! There are over 30 stations including outdoor wagon ride, balloon animals, dance team, Easter egg hunt, bounce house, hippity hop course, cookie decorating, face painting, and much, much more! We hope to see you there!
Library Egg Hunt at Oakes-Beitman Memorial Library noon-2pm
Drop in for an egg hunt, stories, crafts, and cute bunnies thanks to Furry Friends Grooming Salon. For all ages. No registration is necessary. Call the library at 937-676-2731 for more information
The Egg Hunt at Beavercreek Nazarene at 11am
Kids through 5th grade will love hunting for candy filled eggs, inflatable games, face painting, balloon artist, donuts, music, and searching for the GOLDEN EGGS that include a cash prize! The best part? This event is totally FREE!
Wow… this list is great! I will be sure to share the link on my Facebook wall. Who knew there was so much going on for Easter in our area?!?! Thank you!