Welcome back to Day 4 in our five day series of fun ways to play with ABC’s. We are still so excited that you are joining us all week to learn about some new ways to share the alphabet with your child or classroom!
Today I am going to share with you a fun ice play activity. I bought a handful of alphabet ice cube trays years before Eldest was born and gave all but 1 set away. I just remembered to pull them out of a box off the back porch to put colored water and freeze!
For a complete look at how my little boys had fun with their ABC ice cube play hop on over and take a look at our ABC Sensory Ice Play post.
We hope you join us each day this week as we share some fun ideas for handmade ABC’s, Seasonal ABC’s, Sensory ABC’s, Natural ABC’s, and Store Bought ABC’s. Each day I will be featuring one of my own projects as well as the projects of the other bloggers!