Homeschooled through High School:
College Bound by Age 12!
Those of us who homeschool or who have been homeschooled through high school know that IT IS VERY Possible. But how? Many parents and students look towards high school with fear and trepidation instead of being joyous as to how far into the journey they have come. I realize that families homeschool for a multitude of reasons and that each family is unique, but questions still arise when the words high school are mentioned!
But what about COLLEGE at age 12? Is that even a possibility? YES, the Harding Family will share that it is very possible and very possible for more than one child in the family!
Having sent six kids to college by the age of 12, hopefully what we have to share regarding transcripts will we helpful.
Basically, our kids bounced around grades levels and courses depending on their interests and abilities. We made up simple spreadsheet using Excel and under the “9th grade” we have the courses that were “9th grade” level regardless of when they took them. The courses are listed as they progressed academically from the 9th to the 10th and so on. We did not think that there was anything unethical about doing it this way because our kids were not the typical age in the “9th grade” anyways. And some kids may be in the “12th grade” in English but not in math. Also, it may not take a full “school year” to finish a course so the date is not as important. As a matter of fact, the only date listed is when the student graduated. You may even need to spread out a course over a typical “school year” if extra time is needed. The point is that they completed the course. This is the beauty of homeschooling. You can tailor their education to fit their needs and interests. As long as, in the end, their transcript accurately shows what they learned at the high school level, then it is fine.
So far, three of our local colleges have accepted our homeschool transcripts. Two did not, but that was more because they could not get passed our kids’ ages at the time. Our daughter was 12 and our son was 11. So, we just took our business elsewhere. This year this same daughter may be the youngest female doctor in the U.S. We sincerely hope that this particular university will think twice before turning away another eager homeschooler.
Our best advice for accelerating kids is to start keeping track of their high school level work as soon they can get it done, regardless of their age. If your 8 or 9 year old reads through and comprehends that set of U.S. History books in your home library, then by all means give him/her credit. This transcript and their ACT or SAT score will be all that they need to enter college. You will need to research which colleges are “friendly” towards homeschoolers and will recognize your transcript as an official document. Thankfully, universities are really beginning to take notice of homeschoolers. We just need them to understand that the average homeschooler is more than ready to begin their college career much sooner than their public/private schooled peers.
We have included copies of our kids’ transcripts in our ebook.
Feel free to visit our website for more help with homeschooling through high school.
Kip and Mona Lisa Harding
(Kip and Mona Lisa are believers in Jesus Christ and High School Sweethearts. They have been married for 26 years. Their oldest daughter, Hannah, earned a BS Degree at the age of 17. Their second daughter, Rosannah, became an architect at 18. Their third daughter, Serennah, earned a BA in Biology at the age of 17 and plans to graduate from medical school at 22. Their son, Heath, earned a BA in English at the age of 15 and is finishing up his Master’s in Computer Science at 17. Their next son, Keith, is a college senior studying music at the age of 14. Their sixth child, Seth, is a college freshman at the age of 12 and loves history. Katrinnah is 9 and preparing to take the ACT for the first time. Mariannah is 7 and working hard at becoming an independent reader. Lorennah is 5 and loves to teach little 3 year old Thunder all the new things that she is learning.)
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