Homeschooled Through High School:
Misty Leask from Simply Helping Him
Those of us who homeschool or who have been homeschooled through high school know that IT IS VERY Possible. But how? Many parents and students look towards high school with fear and trepidation instead of being joyous as to how far into the journey they have come. I realize that families homeschool for a multitude of reasons and that each family is unique, but questions still arise when the words high school are mentioned!
This week I would like to welcome Misty Leask from Simply Helping Him.
Not only was I home schooled through high school, but I have never stepped foot (as a student) inside a public or a private school. I was home schooled from K-12, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I am the oldest of 3 children, and 4. 5 years older than my middle brother. Thus I was taught 5 years as the only student. This allowed me to become a very independent high school student.
My freshman year we used Christian Liberty Academy for our curriculum. I remember loving their History and Bible courses; yet found their other textbooks poorly written.
For my sophomore through senior years, we used paces from School of Tomorrow. I found that taking on 30-40 pages at a time was much easier vs. working through a 300+ page textbook. This curriculum option worked very well for me as an independent student. I was able to do my school at my pace, in my room and if I needed assistance I would ask.
My least favorite subject throughout school was Math, while my favorite was English.
In our home everyone pitched in to help around the house. There were no chore charts, or assigned tasks. We were raised to help when and wherever needed. As a family we did everything together; from school, to games, to reading, and free time. Our family relationships were the most important in our lives.
As a high school student, my interests were musical and mission based. I sang in our church’s choir, while taking piano and violin lessons as well. I spent the summer of 2000, on the mission field in Mexico with my grandparents.
I worked part time throughout my high school career, as well as babysitting many nights. This enabled me to pay for my summer mission trip in cash, as well as my first car, gas, etc.
Other highlights include Christian Snow Camp and a Rendezvous where I took 1st place in a Black Powder Rifle competition.
My junior year I began having massive migraines. I had to quit my job and school work was done whenever I was not buried under covers in pain. Pain killers, IV’s, sleep studies, Neurologist, and huge diet changes were a part of my life as a junior.
My high school experience differs from most for two reasons I believe. One of which is that I am an independent, self-taught student. This gave me the ability to graduate early, even with a year of huge health issues to overcome. This would not have been possible with any other schooling option. Secondly, I was not concerned with public or private school pressures. It didn’t matter what I wore, or who I was friends with, etc. I was able to focus on school, my passion for music and mission, and my job.
A decade later, I’m a homeschooling mother of 2.
When I was asked to participate in this series, I told Thaleia I understood why this was so important. That though I was home schooled through high school, I was unsure that I would be able to do the same thing for my children. After writing this post, and remembering all the benefits I had of being home schooled through high school, I am now smiling at the prospect of providing my children the same opportunities.
Misty is a stay at home, homeschooling, Christian help meet, and mother of two wonderful blessings. My hubby is a self-employed fisherman and a Mainah through and through, thus we live in Maine. You can find me blogging about faith, family and life experiences at Simply Helping Him
We beging high school this fall with my oldest. We’ve been homeschooling now for five years, and I’m going all the way! God willing, of course.
As a mom just starting her homeschool journey (we are on year 2, after 3 years in the public system) it is always a great encouragement to me to read success stories. Thank you for sharing!