At our house I am trying to instill a love for all things nature and I have found that one way to do that is to study life cycles of plants, birds, insects and animals. With cold Winter weather and some tiny snow flurries holding on there’s not too much nature to observe right now outside so we will need to rely on some good life cycles books for kids to help us learn! This month’s theme for Nature Book Club is life cycles. I hope you join us this month a we learn all about different life cycles through books, play and hands-on activities.
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Life Cycles Robins– This books shares the life cycles of a robin in simple words that a beginner reader can read and understand. Parts of the robin are labeled and a list of basic facts about robin’s are included.
The Life Cycle of a Shark– Discusses the physical characteristics, behavior, and development of sharks, and explains how these predators are threatened by overfishing, pollution, and finning.
The Life Cycle of a Koala Bear– A koala lives most of its life alone, eating and sleeping high up in the eucalyptus trees of Australia, and yet it is recognized and loved around the world. Intended for children of ages 6-12, this book looks at the life of this ancient marsupial and explains, among other things, the dangers faced by koalas.
The Life Cycle of an Emperor Penguin– Children will be fascinated by the journey taken by Emperor penguins to their annual breeding grounds and by the difficulties presented by having their young in the harshest conditions on the planet.
From Tadpole to Frog– Female frogs lay eggs in the water, but what hatches isn’t a frog yet—it’s a tadpole! This classic Level 1 Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out picture book shows the incredible metamorphosis that occurs as a tadpole loses its fishy tail and gills and becomes a frog.
The Amazing Life Cycle of Plants– How do plants grow? Explore the journey from seed to sapling and beyond. Children have lots of questions about the world around them, and this book helps them discover many amazing and wonderful scientific facts about nature. The charming collage-effect illustrations are inspired by farms and scenery that the illustrator sees around her home in New Hampshire. Lively texts engage children and make this book a favorite to return to again and again.
A Chicken’s Life– This book uses simple, leveled text to introduce students to the life cycle of a chicken, showing how it begins life, grows, and reproduces.
The Life Cycles of Butterflies: From Egg to Maturity, a Visual Guide to 23 Common Garden Butterflies– For everyone who has ever marveled as a butterfly magically emerges from a chrysalis, this book is a treasure chest of amazing butterfly transformations. You are invited to experience the life cycles of common backyard butterflies in this unique collection of hundreds of stunning, full-color, up-close photos, all taken in a live garden setting. Each butterfly is shown from start to maturity, with sequential photographs of the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and emerging butterfly.
The Life Cycle of an Ant– Discusses the physical characteristics, behavior, and development of ants, and explains how these social insects are threatened by habitat loss and the use of pesticides.
Explore Life Cycles!: 25 Great Projects, Activities Experiments– Activities range from creating edible life cycles of insects to making a mealworm nursery. Using an eye-catching combination of cartoons, fun facts, and exciting projects, Explore Life Cycles!will bring the mysteries of life right into kids’ hands.
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