Okay, I am the first to admit that I am a planner. I used to love to set goals but times have changed and I have become more cynical of goals. Now I firmly believe goals truly are a good thing but sometimes the pressure placed on oneself to attain the goals can be unbearable. I have determined at times to create goals and then life happens my goals are thrown out the window.
I will share with you an example and the irony that I am even writing this post let alone joining in with a handful of other sweet ambitious bloggers to co-host a monthly goal linky! Yes, you read that right, I am hosting a goal making linky! It was recently mentioned a few weeks ago in a blogger Facebook group that I am apart of and I will share my deepest darkest words. Right here on the internet for all to see. I am vowing to be ME this year. I want to be more transparent, less reserved, and possibly a little more in your face then you have known me to be. Just realize as I get older, just a few years from 40, that I want to make my time on earth count. No more stepping lightly. NO more hiding behind the blogging curtain. Watch out reader’s the REAL Thaleia is in the house!
Okay, enough of my ramblings and more about that Facebook post. Here goes a quote word for word WITHOUT editing:
See told you I was ready to be real! Okay let me explain why being pregnant was a set back. I experience terrible all day morning sickness just enough to drive me crazy and make me SUPER irritable! This hinders the entire functioning of our household and since Lil’ Red wasn’t born till late August 2013 I kinda felt resentful and like my entire 2013 was taken from me. Yes, I realize how terrible that sounds and I wouldn’t trade that little guy for the world. I really struggle with balance, patience, and staying on task. I tell people I am sure that I am ADD undiagnosed and if you truly know me you would probably agree.
So that brings me back to accepting who I am, my personality, my struggles, my children’s personalities, learning about Type 1 Diabetes, and figuring out this whole blogging for money thing! My main goal is to earn enough money to move to a house just outside town so we can have a micro farm and have enough money to just have a little more freedom and breathing room. I want to be able to give more either in time or money to those in need around me. I want to know that my children can peruse their dreams without worrying about household income restraints.
All in all I am like every other parent who dreams the BEST for their child! I want to give each of my children the world. So how do I do that you ask? By setting obtainable and measurable goals. Darn it now even I sound convinced like this could be a really good thing!
Here are some of my goals for 2015:
Blogging & Social Media Goals
- Get Blog traffic back up to 1,000 pageviews a day
- Schedule daily FB shares of other bloggers
- Link up new blog posts to linky parties
- Offer linky services to other bloggers
Homeschool Goals
- Pick out a Read Aloud for January
- Get Eldest & Princess back on Khan Academy
- Collaborate with other bloggers via ABC’s of American History series
- Attend a homeschool event or plan to attend homeschool conference
Household & Marriage Goals
- Try a new recipe or 2 each month
- Plan 1 Date Night a month
- Work on cleaning a room each week
- Spring Clean throughout the season not just once a year
Personal Mommy Goals
- Try to WEAR nicer clothes a few days a week like a scarf
- Start wearing jewelry a little more often
- Only wear tennis shoes for exercise and PE
- Begin to drink 8 oz more of water a day
Come back next month and see what goals I have accomplished and what February’s Goals will be. Hope you take time to check out the other blogger’s in this linkup as well.
Want to read what other’s are saying about their Monthly Goals? Check out there posts below or LINK-UP your goal post!

January Linky:
Linked up at: Fellowship Friday,
These are great goals! I’m so glad you are joining us this year!
I am so glad to join in with some great bloggy mamas, too!
Right on! I can totally understand the need to be your authentic self. That is my ONLY resolution. I feel like if i can get a handle on that, then everything else will fall into place. Here’s to shining bright like a diamond! Happy New Year 😉
Great ideas – goals are so much better than resolutions!! You can do it!!
Thank you. I am doing my best to find balance between authenticity and privacy. Very fine line at times:)