Introducing… Tom the Tadpole
Our newest member of the family!
Yep, we are one of those crazy homeschool families that cannot resist a new pet or science project. We went on a field trip with our homeschool group to a fish hatchery. The kids had loads of fun. (more on that in another post!) We got to see all sorts of things and hold all sorts of critters. Eldest wanted a salamander for Christmas and I said maybe.
I was contemplating what slimy pet we could do with 3 energetic and curious kids while walking back to the main store area. I heard a few other kids talking about going to an aunt’s farm and catchy 20 salamanders. Hmmm, I thought maybe we could tag along and catch one? If it’s on private property would we still need a permit from Natural Resources, yikes- I do not know?
Well, when we got back to the store area there were more fish and TADPOLES!! The kids were allowed to hold the tadpoles. Eldest and Princess both were trying to find some out the big huge barrel. I could tell they were both falling for these slimy little guys. I told them could get one if it was alright with their dad. So we quickly called him and told him the price. He approved.
So for under $3, which included a small bag of food, we now have a Tadpole named Tom!
Mom: Why did you want a tadpole?
Princess: I’ve always wanted a pet something. I’ve always wanted a pet frog.
Eldest: Because it would be really fun to have. I have always wanted to have a tadpole.
Mom: What about when he turns into a frog?
Eldest: I will be really excited! I mean seriously, eek.
Princess: I really have wanted a frog.
Sorry our pics aren’t that great. We were so excited to get him home and in his new home that we forgot to take pics while he was in his take home bag:)
Sign made by Princess:
What have you or your kids or your hubby brought home as a new and unexpected pet? Please share you funny or crazy stories!
Great post Thaleia! Nice simple pet, for now!!
Yes plus our big black lab. Still a little easier than the salamander or skink they wanted, lol.
Thanks for getting me a “grandtadpole” It was fun having my grandchildren, Cheyenne and Connor, plus grandpole, Tom, spending the night last night!
Thank you for keeping Tom for us! I’m sure he had fun as well:)