There are many places to find homeschool support online via Yahoo Groups, Facebook Groups or Website Forums. I find it very beneficial to check these out BEFORE I am in desperate need of homechool support but maybe you are in that place of needing help, support or community.
Homeschool Support in Yahoo Groups
I know that Yahoo Groups seem to be a thing of the past but could still have some benefit for those who do not want to be on Facebook a lot!
Some of the Yahoo Groups that I have found to be helpful in the past are for things like Mystery of History or Apologia and Unschooling or Homeschooling Boys. You will need a Yahoo ID to access any of the groups. Then you will want to see if they are still active or offer free resources. Then request to join and mark the Daily Digest or No Notifications so you are NOT flooded with a ton of emails for the Yahoo Groups!
Homeschool Support on Facebook
There are many different types of homeschool support that can be found on Facebook. 1. Homeschool Curriculum Groups, 2. Homeschool Methods Groups, 3. Geographical Support Groups and 4. Homeschool Curriculum Resale Groups. Each of these types of groups are beneficial for a variety of reasons.
Some groups will share hints and tips with using a particular curriculum like Easy Peasy, Five in a Row, Mystery of History, Sonlight or Apologia.
Some groups are great for learning about homeschool methods like Charlotte Mason, Earthschooling, Montessori or Unschooling.
Some groups are great to be a part of because they are specific to your state, county or city. I belong to a couple Ohio Homeschool groups and one only posts field trip ideas and sign-ups. I am apart of a few that are support specific for my region which may include Mom’s Night Out events, Field Trips and Curriculum Fair/Swaps. It would be best to search Facebook at the top starting with Homeschool Groups…
Then I would also suggest searching for Homeschool Field Trips-
Some groups allow for curriculum to be sold, traded, or swapped which can make finding a book or box of curriculum affordable. Some may be listed as B/S/T or Buy and Sell along with types of curriculum that is allowed to be sold.
Here are a few of the Homeschool Curriculum BST groups that I have found-
Apologia Curriculum (Buy/Sell/Trade Only)
Charlotte Mason/Ambleside/ Living Books/USED materials for sale/share/swap
Five In A Row Curriculum B/S/T
MFW, BP, MOH, SL, SOTW (Literature Based Curriculum)Buy/Sell/Trade
Sonlight Homeschool Curriculum USED books Sell/Swap/Share
Homeschool Website Forums
A lot of homeschool curriculum or methods websites offer forums for its user or members. This is another great place to find information and homeschool support. I have come across most of the forums that I know about when doing a google Search for a homeschool topic or subject.
AmblesideOnline Forums is a place for families who are using the free curriculum found on the Ambelside website.
The Family Unschoolers Network provides support for unschooling, homeschooling, and self-directed learning. If you are an unschooler, homeschooler, self-directed learner, or just learning in general, then this is the site for you! You will find newsletter articles, reviews, resources, web sites, books and lots of other information to help your homeschooling or unschooling efforts.
Five in a Row Forums is a great resource for families ROWING a book for 5 days using one of the many FIAR manuals.
Gentle Christian Mother’s Homeschooling & Unschooling Support A place for both current homeschoolers/unschoolers and those who are considering homeschooling to find support.
The Homeschool Lounge (THL) is the premier online community for homeschool moms. You will find support, encouragement and plenty of resources in our forums and groups. THL is your virtual park bench, join us to share the joys and challenges of your homeschool journey.
Homeschool World Forum a place to learn about laws, getting started, record keeping, and special needs homeschool.
Mothering Forums offers an area for homeschool related topics.
Montessori Primary Guide Forum offers a ton of information if you are looking to homeschool using the Montessori method.
Simply Charlotte Mason Forums Our heart’s desire is to make Simply Charlotte Mason a place of encouragement and help.
Sonlight Community is a community where families come together to share ideas, tips and tricks with using the Sonlight Curriculum.
Well-Trained Mind Community is a great resource for families thinking about using a Classical Approach to education
Where have you gone online for homeschool support? Have you found these links to be helpful?
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