People often envy that which they do not know or understand. Being a WAHM of four children is tough work! I will not lie or sugar coat the trials of just being able to take a shower! This is my rant aka parenting woes about my attempts to get a shower for over 45 minutes and all the craziness that ensued.
Today my hubby had to go into work since he is “staff” at a school he does not get 2 weeks off during Christmas and New Year’s. I heard him stirring and getting ready for work. I got out of bed, still a little bit groggy from a 2 am check on Eldest. I went to the kitchen and poured our cups of coffee. I popped two pieces of cinnamon raisin bread into the toaster. I took both cups of coffee to the microwave and heated them up. I started to eat and drink my coffee. We chat briefly before he heads to work.
I start working on my phone and realize that I need to switch to my laptop to be more productive. I decide to spend time on –gasp- Facebook to see what collaborative blog projects I have coming up, requesting some post info for future round ups, and doing some promotion exchanges. I promote Day 1 of our ER/PICU and Diabetes Diagnosis posts.
The baby wakes up. We start snuggling on the couch and I go back to reading a few things on my phone. The four year old wakes up. My phone alarm goes off that it’s 8:30 am. I hit snooze. I am not quite ready for anyone else to be up and demand my time right now. The ten year old wakes up but stays in bed. There’s a loud knock on the door. The youngest freaks out. I check and it’s just the meter reader. I give him the key to the basement. It’s almost 9 am. I am still in my jammies and don’t even have a bra on!
I have determined that I need a shower this AM and that I won’t get dressed until I wash my hair. I get the three kids setup in the kitchen with their breakfast. I hop back onto the pc to get a few “tabs” closed. I realize that Eldest is not up, yet. I holler for him to get up. I make sure he gets up. Princess comes into the living room to tell me the baby’s food tray is a disgusting mess and that she will not clean it up. Big Red is begging for his tablet to play on. I tell him it is not ready to play on. That it had completely wiped all apps and I would have to re-install everything. He starts to cry. I start to get frustrated. I go to the kitchen to clean the “disgusting mess” which really consisted of milk, cereal, bowl, and spoon! I then proceed to tell my children that “Mommy, has work to do! Can you please take care of the chores that YOU can do!”
Back to the living room to install the Amazon Appstore onto Big Red’s tablet. While following Lil’ Red to my room to change his diaper and get him dressed. Then back to the kitchen to see that Eldest checks his sugar. His numbers are good and he only needs dosed for carbs! He then figures out his breakfast and what the carbs are. I dose for the carbs. I get Lil’ Red settled at his table doing some Tot School Trays. Princess is washing dishes. Eldest is eating breakfast. Big Red is sent to try the couple of app that I installed.
FINALLY all 4 are occupied. I run to the bathroom to take a shower. I am just about to get into the shower when the door is flung wide open by Lil’ Red. He had snuck out of the kitchen with a small muffin tin, 12 blue pom-poms and a plastic scooper (one of our tot tray activities)! I put on my robe and carry him back to the kitchen. Asking the big kids how did this guy get past them? I set out a few more trays and Princess sits down with him to “work”. I head back to the shower. I get into the nice hot water. Washing my hair and then the door opens again! This time to ask if I had downloaded Minecraft or Netflix on Big Red’s tablet. “How did he do that? I turned on Parental Controls! Just leave it alone and please let me finish showering unless there’s blood!”
I rinse off. Turn off the shower. I am drying off when I hear scuffling and possibly shouting! Oh, brother…What are they doing now? Turns out that the older two are bossing Big Red about adding stuff to his tablet. He gets mad and kicks Eldest. So Princess takes his tablet and puts it up.
So that’s how crazy my morning started. Here I sit an hour later with wet hair typing this post. I texted a friend of mine asking what her plans were and that my sanity was waning! She called me within a minute. She isn’t in town but will be home later tonight. She tells me she completely understands and I know she does since she also homeschools 4 kids!
Right now- Eldest is in his room. Princess, Big Red, and Lil’ Red are playing baby/restaurant/baby walker. Now there’s fighting over the play food. Off I go to sort out another argument!
I used affiliate links within this post to share with you the specific products I am talking about.
I’m not sure that I’ve EVER had a bra on when the meter reader comes, he probably thinks I don’t own one!! LOL! Except for the work on the computer your morning sounds a lot like many of mine. 🙂 The girls have been asking about playing with Princess, but right now my phone is out of minutes so you’ll have to email me if it’s possible to get them together. God bless!