Okay, so where did I leave off about our 12/13/14 story. Yes, that’s right we were at the ER and doctors and staff where swarming around my oldest son. The Main ER doc says she wants to intubate him. Another doc in a long white coat says she called Children’s and Careflight is on the way.
Okay, now things are really getting crazy and scary and we are a little out of the loop. I can tell from the looks on their faces that this is very serious but that they do not want us to get hysterical. Rest assured we did not get hysterical. I got mad when I couldn’t reach grandparents. I got concerned for Lil’ Red having to stay away from mom at almost 16 months. We were upset with ourselves for not bringing him in earlier that day. We were thankful Big Red and Princess were already settled in at the other grandma’s house.