Calling all of you homeschoolers who are working on planning next school year. Currclick has an awesome sale going on through July 9th called “Pay What You Want”. Many publishers on Currlick are HOMESCHOOL FAMILIES who have created fabulous products and resources. These families have then turned their hard work into curriculum resources to share with you! I will be using my affiliate links throughout this post as I share this incredible deal with you. Click around, search, discover, and buy some incredible resources for your family. Remember to pray BEFORE you PAY! Disclosure: I have used my affiliate links throughout the post which supports our blog at no cost to you!
I do want to bring a special mention to Oakes Homeschool Consulting the home of some incredible Unit Studies. Dori’s mother has recently undergone heart surgery. Her family is needing to raise funds to travel to be with her. Check out some of the resources she has to offer:
Weather- 120 page Unit
Human Body- 160 page Unit
Sports & Physical Education
Nursing Study Starter