Are your children struggling with Math? Maybe they just need a fun way to learn some basic concepts or practice some things they just learned. Check out these Free online Math games to help encourage a love of Math! is the leader in free educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn on the web.
Arcademic Skills– Boost student engagement with our free multiplayer educational games, math games, language arts games, and much more.
Aplusclick not-for-profit project that features a collection of illustrated challenging math problems for students in grades one through twelve. The website has a graduated set of over a thousand problems, starting from the very simple to the extremely difficult. The tests also include hundreds of practical problems and brainteasers.
Apples 4 the Teacher-Elementary and Preschool Math Activities
Cool Math Games for Kids– elementary math games
Cyberchase– fun math games from PBS show.
Fun4TheBrain games cover math, science, English, and reading subjects
That Quiz– math test activities for students and teachers of all ages
Math Playground lots of fun games for K-6
XtraMath-a Seattle-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to math achievement for all. Our goal is to develop effective, efficient, adaptive and intrinsically rewarding supplemental math activities and make them available for free.
I hope your child finds a great online Math game to help them learn! Let me know if you find other free games that help encourage learning for any subject!
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