Some may say “redneck”, but I claim Frugal! I was given 20 plants from my mom. (We kept 8, gave 8 to the neighbor, and 4 to a friend.) These were volunteer plants that grew up in a garden bed she did not want tomatoes in. I planted these in our front-side yard. They are watered daily sometimes twice a day, but have been neglected to be staked! UNTIL TODAY.
I saw some really nice orange to small grapefruit sized tomatoes that were very pale green. The sun has not been able to reach them due to the stalks, vines, and leaves blocking them. I also found another cantaloupe that was hiding under the tomatoes! So I decided today was the day to get them exposed to the sun so they can ripen before they rot.
Here’s what I did:
Found 2 free wooden stakes & 3 torches (from MIL’s garage), 3 large sticks, and large plastic coated twist ties left over from toys.
Used rubber mallet to pound the stakes into ground.
Used twist ties to attach various vines to stakes making sure that the tomatoes would be exposed to the sun and ripen. Our tomatoes are the low-acidic yellow and orange kind-yummy.
What have you done in your garden today? Do your children help? What are your favorite veggies that you grow? I would love to hear what you are growing.