my blog! Well, okay. Here I am sitting down at the PC trying to decide what to do next. There are so many things to learn when you begin blogging like linking Facebook and Twitter to your blog posts as well as learning the “language of twitter”. I found out about Twitter Tuesday and a great group of like-minded bloggers. Then I was encouraged by one of these bloggers to participate even though fast-paced (and crazy fun!) She suggested I focus on 2-3 bloggers to connect with and go from there. Great idea AMY Homeschool Blogging! I better prepare with some reading up on using twitter!
Right now do I learn some more tweet etiquette or learn how to link my blog to twitter or just write some more content? I am constantly pulled in various directions (I am a creative, short attention spanned person so I can easily get distracted!) did I mention I am mommy to 3 very active children. I still need to learn better SEO and the whole categories vs. tags thing:) Amy also suggested I make a list and research those things. I got a 3-ring notebook and a 1 subject notebook all for blogging-just like the big girls do (Jolanthe, Mama Jenn, Erica, Amy, Jamerrill)
Then the whole Facebook blocking thing is a little irksome and on my mind! I’ve been friend/message blocked twice since I started a new page on Facebook! I do not try and solicit people who are not in the same sphere of influence or who aren’t already on my friends list. According to Facebook I have had several people not friend me and so that has caused suspicion. YIKES, I am not trying to do anything shady and spammy, I am just trying to make my mark in blogosphere!
I know that I want to participate in the “NOT” Back-to-School Blog Hop this month on iHomeschool Network not just for a little PR, but because I feel that I “know” some of those great ladies since I have been following their blogs off and on! When I began to homeschool I did tons of research and continue that research. I also love free stuff and anything homeschool and free is right up my alley. Plus the encouragement is hard to beat when you get a great group of Godly homeschool blogger mom’s connected via blog hop or series or carnival! Off to take some pics and jot some notes about our homeschool curriculum space, students,etc.