Thanksgiving Kids Activities- I Spy Bottle
Hoping to provide some simple inspiration with Thanksgiving kids activities that are quick and easy to put together. I started by sharing my Fall Tot Trays and Turkey Felt Finger Puppets. Now I’m gonna share a Fall I Spy Bottle. Gather a plastic bottle, some dried corn kernels, and a bunch of baubles and bits.
Since we are crafters we had lots of things to choose from in order to fill our I Spy Bottle. I started by filling the empty Gatorade bottle half full of corn kernels. Then I added all the baubles and bits.
What are baubles and bits you ask? any little item that represents Fall, Autumn, Thanksgiving or whatever season you want to create an I Spy bottle for. You can look at decorative buttons, dollar store decoration and table scatter sections for items. We try to keep to thumb size or smaller objects. Sometimes the scrapbook section of your craft store has seasonal items just the right size to drop into a bottle.
Here’s a list of some of the things we included:
charms: football helmet, cheer megaphone
Fall buttons: orange, red, yellow
plastic objects: acorn, tiny apples, football
miniatures: pumpkin
alphabet beads: to spell LEAVES and autumn
wooden mouse
scrapbooking brad: candy corn
glass gem: pumpkin shaped
silk orange flower
Grab all your supplies and have fun crafting your very own I Spy Bottle.
What Thanksgiving Kids Activities do you plan to have ready for your children?
What a cool post, Thaleia! Thanks so much for sharing, Love! GOD bless you and your beautiful family! 🙂
Hoping to update the pictures a little bit, too! Thanks so much.
I love I spy games of all kinds. We play them almost everyplace we go when we get board. I even have my teen son playing sometimes.
I love this idea! My kids always spend so much time playing with the eye spy containers when we are at the toy store. I never thought of making one myself though.
Cute idea! With my kiddos I think I will glue the lid shut before showing them it. I could see them getting frustrated and dumping it all over the floor, lol. I think I might also make a list of the hidden items for them to check off and laminate it, so they can use it again and again with dry erase markers. Thanks 🙂
Oh, yes. Our 2 year old has always had very good dexterity and very strong grip. He has been able to open bottles at a younger age then his older siblings!
I need to share our other ones to encourage parents to make some for in the car or to take to grandma’s house.
Super cute idea! My kindergartners always LOVED I-Spy, and the thanksgiving twist is perfect. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing at Friday Frivolity!!
I love this idea for our younger grandchildren!
Great idea! Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx
I love this! I was just looking for easy Thanksgiving craft ideas today! This one is perfect!
My son would love this! It would be a great addition to our church bag!