There are many things to learn each and everyday if you stop and take the time. Spending time with family doesn’t seem to be a problem for us because we do work from home, BUT is it quality time? Many nights I find everyone glued to a different device or screen each person watching or playing their own game. During the time we went out during the Route 127 Yard Sale we did not allow devices besides our phones to take pictures and Eldest’s blood glucose meter.
We set out with very low expectations so as to NOT get anyone’s hopes up. I told each child that some of the treasures they see will be very pricey or things that we do not need. Each child was given a budget of $5 which we know isn’t much but it’s what we can afford at this time. I had asked the kids to think of things that they need and things that they want. I didn’t get many answers ahead of time.
Our first stop during the 127 Yard Sale was across from the Darke County Steam Threshers location. Princess found some things that she wanted. She found a pair of roller skates that fit. The price wasn’t marked. She asked what the price was and the lady said $5. Princess was on the fence. She didn’t want to spend all of her money at the first stop on ONE item. She meandered around the tables and found a pair of really nice tennis shoes which were priced at a good deal but out of the $5 budget. She came back to the Chicago roller skates and ended up getting them for $3. That was a great deal for Princess as we usually only spend $3 for a pair of skates! I found a cute toy which was a game for multiplication and the lady gave it to me for free.
The next stop was the BIG stop with over 25 vendor’s at York Wood’s. People had set up tables along with camping for the weekend. We saw rows and rows of antiques none of which we were looking for. We saw tables full of tools, barrels of broom handles and fishing rods. A few people had brought their dogs that Big Red was eager to pet and love on.
We saw displays of toy collections from McDonald’s Happy Meals as well as tables of knick-knacks. I had been looking for a few things for homeschool for the little boys but didn’t find anything. I saw some life jackets and had Big Red and Lil’ Red try them on. The one that just fit Lil’ Red and barely fits Big Red was a Stearns Classic Vest and was the only one that had a crotch strap which was priced at $3!
Big Red found a scope for a toy gun for 10 cents and Lil’ Red found a Western Stagecoach toy for $1.50. We kept looking and meandering and trying to stay out of the hot sun. Princess saw a vendor with lots and lots of jewelry which lead to Princess spotting a group of jewelry boxes. She asked the price and since she had been asking about one we let her get it for $5.
On the way back to the car Big Red was walking along with his daddy when he saw a nest with eggs in it. He was so excited that both of us took pictures. It was a very unique nature find.
We ventured on to the Wooden Spoon Restaurant formerly known as the Annie Oakley Restaurant. There were a handful of vendor’s set-up in the parking lot. Eldest found a Razor Powerwing Scooter that normally costs around $75 for $4! I found a small taller roller cooler for $4. Lil’ Red found a See’nSay Farmer Says toy which take NO batteries and we have never owned one. Can you imagine a toy not owned by a family with 4 kids? I found a copy of Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tale Classics for a quarter! I also found a wrought iron candle stand which I just had to have for $1!
We stopped at at least 2 more places that had multiple vendors which made browsing fun. Each person was able to find something through out the day except Riley! The biggest score was a church rummage sale where Princess and I found clothing for .50 each. I got 5 items that were very nice including a dressy top and a pair of jeans that looked brand new! Princess got a pair of Nike tennis shoes and a few shirts. There was a free box where each child could pick 1 item so that made the little boys day!
Sounds like you all had a lot of fun and I like how you had everyone leave electronic devices as home. And I need to do that as well when we go on family outings. And it sounds like you all got some great deals.