In my life this week… I spent lots of time on the pc learning about blogging, buffer, socialoomph, tweetdeck, etc. Still lots to learn but automation is definitely the way to go.
In our homeschool this week… we prepared for a new year. We organized some binders. We cleared some more space to play in the backyard. I was able to schedule 2 fieldtrips for co-op. I ordered free resources from ODNR Wildlife, ODNR Forestry, and contacted OSU extension about 4-H.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… Find a realy good resource, print it and THEN USE IT. Make sure to put that resource in your daily binder or on your fridge so you can easily use the new resource!
I am inspired by… Ann Voskamp of One Thousand Gifs, still trying to finish her book AND my Hello Mornings group AND my blogger mommy tribe!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… We went to the fair this week and meet lots of friends from MOPS and Homeschool groups. Found out one is doing a Foster to Adopt program and has a teeny-tiny baby boy she is in care of.
My favorite thing this week was… finding our lost dog even though it cost $55 to get him back-ouch!
What’s working/not working for us… We are not on a school schedule of any sort. Mom and Dad start college in 2 weeks. Kids will start school Monday to get a good week in BEFORE Mom and Dad start college.
Questions/thoughts I have… Still learning Social Media, blogging, and trying to keep my sanity!
Things I’m working on…Transforming my backyard into a place everyone wants to be vs. a big weedy mess that everyone hides fromJ
I’m reading… One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, Homeschool Sanity by Sherry Hayes, misc homeschool freebies and resources, Prairie Primer by Margie Gray
I’m cooking… Pizza tonight since I was too tired after searching for 3 hrs for lost dog. Crockpot roast on the day we went to the fair and Hanburger pork ‘n beans with mashed potatoes another day. Hamburgers on the grill with onions and fresh garden tomato sliced. Chocolate Zucchini cake-yummy!
I’m grateful for… having a home even though it is messy and crazy and sometimes even dirty from dog prints and kid spills.
I’m praying for… peace, divorced friends, and getting through another week.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
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