What It Takes to be a Virtual Assistant:
Finding Clients
Honestly I have no idea where Virtual Assistant find clients besides canvasing family and friends. You could advertise on facebook or through twitter or your blog, but you might not get the reliable response that you are looking for.
Rebecca Flansburg from Franticmommy.com is our resident expert on getting clients. She will be exploring a variety of places to get clients such as Elance, HireMyMom, and Craigslist. Other places would be The Problogger Job Board, ODesk, Guru, and RatRaceRebellion.
Anyone else not heard of most of these? See I told you Rebecca was a gem! Yes, I have heard of Elance, Craigslist, and Problogger. The others are totally new to me.
Check out Rebecca’s post on Where to Find Clients to see what these websites have to offer!
Missed the last three weeks of articles DO NOT FEAR! I am including the links below for your convenience!
What it Takes to Be a Virtual Assistant: Intro
What it Takes to Be a Virtual Assistant: A New Series
How I Became a Virtual Assistant with Rebecca Flansburg
What it Takes to Be a Virtual Assistant: How to Know When it’s Time to Hire a VA
What it Takes to Be a Virtual Assistant: Skills & Tools
Skills & Tools needed to improve your VA Business.
Resume/Portfolio Critique- for one low price either Rebecca or Thaleia will review your resume and make suggestions to help you make the most money you can as a VA! Up to 2 reviews/revisions for $15
Live Brainstorming Chat via Google+ – Want validation on your strengths and ideas? Need someone to confirm you are headed in the right direction and to brainstorm other avenues of revenue? Then a LIVE Brainstorming CHAT is just what you need! One 20 minute session for $25
Please contact via facebook!
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