The Shooting Range that is!
Since we are a video game loving family and okay with weapons we decided to attend a Family Skills Day at Spring Valley Shooting Range. Our boys often have some sort of gun in their hands throughout the day. Sometimes impeding school work getting done. Eldest was allowed to buy a pellet gun earlier in the summer but was under strict guidance and supervision. When I read about the Skills Day I knew everyone wouldn’t mind the hour drive to get there!
We are so very thankful for a chance to go to a shooting range and shoot bb guns, compound bows, cross-bows, 22, and rifles. Even Lil’ Red got to participate! We will definitely be putting this on our MUST do Fall list for 2013!
Here’s some photos to share just some of the fun we had!
Lil’ Red on the Range
Princess takes aim
Eldest Hits a Bullseye with Cross-Bow!
Pictures were taken by each of us. Picture collages were created by Princess.
THANK YOU ODNR! Your Family Skills Day was awesome.
Disclaimer: we only used weapons with trained professional instructors under close supervision by us and the ODNR staff. We wore eye and ear protection and listened carefully each time new instructions were given. Please do not shoot weapons in town or in an unapproved manner. Always wear safety protection and be under close supervision of trained/certified instructors.
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