Homeschoolers often make it a priority to learn a foreign language or two and what better one to learn than American Sign Language. Being able to communicate with the deaf community within your own town or country is a precious gift. My teen daughter wants to try and learn American Sign Language as a foreign language credit. I am giving her the option to “learn at home” via homeschool or through the local community college as part of dual enrollment.
Since I found these resources for my own family I thought that I might as well share them for others to use as a homechool resource. Please feel free to share this with your friends and family who are interested in America Sign Language.
Free American Sign Language Resources
Hand Speak is a content site on sign language, consisting of American Sign Language (ASL) online dictionary, grammar tutorials, fingerspelling, literary arts (storytelling and poetry), ASL writing, and other features.
Lifeprint / ASLU-American Sign Language University is resource site for ASL students and teachers. Here you will find information and resources to help you learn ASL and improve your signing.
Signing Naturally Unit 1 Vocabulary YouTube Video
Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel offers See It, Say It Sign It as you learn sign language for each letter and the letter sounds for each letter of the alphabet with American sign language. Jack shows the sign for each letter and the letter sounds for each letter as he sings the letter name and the letter is shown on the screen, this version also includes the letter sounds and objects beginning with the sound.
Paid American Sign Language Resources
American Sign Language Scrabble Tiles – Master ASL faster and have fun while doing it. Imagine the ease of gaining proficiency through immersion based learning. This set of 100 wood tiles have clearly printed hand signs and point values. Set includes two blank “wild card” tiles for playing Scrabble. Tiles are 1/8″ thick (slightly thinner than a standard Scrabble tile).
American Sign Language for Dummies plus Vidoes– To see people use American Sign Language (ASL) to share ideas is remarkable and fascinating to watch. Now, you have a chance to enter the wonderful world of sign language. American Sign Language For Dummies offers you an easy-to-access introduction so you can get your hands wet with ASL, whether you’re new to the language or looking for a great refresher.
ASL Dictionary HD American Sign Language App – Over 5000 words translated to ASL video. From A-Z The most complete interactive ASL Dictionary app. Cool new features like QUIZ, PLAY ALL, ADJUSTABLE SLOW MOTION. The Best just got better.
ASL First 100+ Words Laminated Chart -Photos make up this dictionary of 112 essential words for signing with start and finish poses including arrows and directions where necessary. Perfect for parents this 6-page guide includes the first infant and toddler signs and many more any beginner would use.
ASL Deafined – Whether you love someone who is deaf, are deaf yourself, or just want to learn ASL language, this program is for you. We’ve tailored our lesson plans to fit your specific needs. To learn more, click on the category below that best fits your situation.
Basic Course in American Sign Language– The text is composed of 22 lessons each of which contains two to four basic explanations of the language structures to be learned. As a resource for the student, a drill or exercises follows. Spaced at intervals throughout the text are several short dialogues which review the language structures discussed in the preceding lessons.
Learn Sign Language in a Hurry: Grasp the Basics of American Sign Language Quickly and Easily – Wanting to say simple things like these but not being able to is frustrating and disheartening—but learning how to communicate can be easy and fun! This book is a basic guide to the alphabet, vocabulary, and techniques it takes to connect using American Sign Language. Whether signing out of necessity or learning for the sake of growing, you will enjoy this practical primer. After reading this book, you will be able to use American Sign Language in a social, educational, or professional setting.
Signing Time Videos– We’ve borrowed them from the library and even watched them while included on Amazon Prime a few years back. I would borrow them if you can or stream them from Amazon.
The Gallaudet Children’s Dictionary of American Sign Language– This long-anticipated and colorfully designed reference work is the first comprehensive American Sign Language dictionary for children published to date. It boasts more than 1,000 signs and includes a searchable DVD, which features young native signers demonstrating each sign and 150 of the practice sentences. Each entry takes up a third of a page and includes the word in bold red. Arranged alphabetically, the words are searchable with a thumb guide and represent a combination of sight words, familiar words, and words relating to animals, major holidays, sports, and school. An important aspect for both Deaf and hearing students are the synonyms listed directly underneath many entries. Since one sign stands for a variety of synonyms, this will help learners develop vocabulary. For example, under the term fake, readers will find the words impostor, pseudo, artificial, and counterfeit.
Thanks so much for this! Just shared your post with a fellow mom in our co-op who is embarking on her first year homeshooling her special needs child. More post like this please!