UPDATE: We recently drove by Armory Park and some of the play equipment featured in this post have been removed. Stay tuned Summer of 2018 for an update! We will included updated information soon!
Today we would like to share with you Armory Park Piqua, Ohio. This small park is located on 3 acres and is just down the street from Miami Valley Centre Mall before you get to the center of town. It is fenced in on 3 sides but it appears that it might have been fenced in on all four sides with the way the openings are located.
The one thing that is very unique about this park is the red and blue play structure. This piece of equipment would be great for those kids wanting to pretend they are in American Ninja Warrior training!
There’s a pair of baby swings at Armory Park right next to the rocking animals on the South end of the park.
Here’s a picture of the regular sized swing-set at Armory Park which has 3 swing on it. Princess took this picture at a unique angle but I still wanted to include it!
My children are very excited that the Merry-Go-Round is still available to play on at Armory Park. It’s in great condition and spins very well!
The balance beam at Armory Park is the type that all of my children enjoy. It’s just high enough off the ground to present a challenge but not be too scary!
This of picture of Princess on parallel bars at Armory Park proves that almost 13 year olds aren’t too big to play and have fun!
We think that Armory Park would be best played at in the Spring or Fall in cooler weather since there’s no shade.
Pros of Armory Park-
- Armory Park still has a Merry-go-Round for now which seems to be harder to come by.
- Swing for big kids and little kids.
- Benches for parents to sit and rest
Cons of Armory Park-
- No bathrooms or water fountains but short walk to Piqua Lumber if in desperate need.
- Not much shade since it’s pretty open.
Armory Park is located just south of US 36 right next to the Armory on Armory Drive.
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