Lists and resources are huge in the blogging world and can be even bigger traffic drivers well after their initial posting. If tagged correctly they can add incredible value to your blog as well as build clout for you as an expert in your field – something you should be aiming to do if you have a blog. Nevertheless, many people get lists and resources confused when they are in fact two different things you can do for your blog. To help you understand their differences, I’ve provided a short definition of each below:
List: a series of names or other items written or printed together in a meaningful grouping or sequence so as to constitute a record.
Resource: a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.
As you can clearly see, a List and a Resource are two very different things. All this being said, when you blog, you can always have a list of resources but know you can also have both lists and resources – very few bloggers step back and think about it this way. Here are 10 blog topics/titles to help you start thinking in a new frame of mind about lists and resources. I’ve included five list-based topics/titles and five resource-based topics/titles. Examine them carefully – you’ll see how they blur together but also how they can stand on their own.
5 List-Based Blog Topics/Titles
- 52 Ways To Entertain Your Toddler
- 101 Things You Can Do to Boost Your Creativity
- 10 Things You Should Be Doing to Build An Audience on Pinterest
- 20 Ways to Get Organized
- 7 Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk To Relax Almost Instantly
5 Resource-Based Blog Topics/Titles
- Online Giveaways Resource Page
- Fiber Artist’s Resource Page for Yarn, Fabric, Hooks, Needs, and More!
- Play Grounds & Moms Meet and Greet Resource Page for: (Fill In Name of Your Community/City)
- Ultimate Blog Hop & Linky Party Resource Page
- Online Marketplaces + Reviews Resource Page
I’d like to thank Thaleia Maher of Something2Offer for hosting this event. She has been the inspiration and driving force behind this collaborative challenge and it wouldn’t have happened without her. Please take a moment to visit other pages on her site as well as check out the other Hostesses helping out who have made this challenge possible. Thank you everyone! If you have questions or would like more help with your blog, please contact me directly.
See you tomorrow for Day 4,
Currently writing a post of 100 (or more) non-candy items, with links to purchase, you can put in Easter Eggs. List or Resource? I would have catergorized it as a list. However, it will be a “source of supply” since it will have links? I thought I knew the difference between a list and a resource but now I am confused. Help?
Non-expert opinion – I’d say it’s a list. It will be interesting to hear Martiel’s opinion though! (And by the way, sounds like an awesome post!)
I’m like Machelle. I thought it was easy to know the difference, but now I’m not so sure. I’m really going to have to think it out more from now on. Gee thanks Martiel, lol.
I would have said it is a list of resources. You are listing out the items but also providing a resource to purchase or make the items.