A Day in The Life of a Homeschooler
Eeks, that really varies depending on week of the month and day of the week. Let me explain. We are in a Co-op that I am running the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday afternoons of the month. We are also part of a group that has monthly gym days and field trips along with Mom’s Encouragement Nights. Then there’s always a free nature activity or other freebie event that we may decide to attend on a whim or plan in advance. On top of all that is college classes for Dad AND Mom as well as ballet and art classes. Not sure if we will do an AWANA program this year or not. Also thinking about checking out 4-H!
This is a possible Monday at Maher Academy:
7:00-8:00am Mom Wakes up/Devotions/Planning/Shower
8:00-8:30am Breakfast for early risers
8:30-9:00 am Clean-up/Dinner Prep/Get Dressed
9:00-9:30 am Breakfast for late risers
9:30-11:00am Group work (Bible, Calendar Connections, Math)/Tot School
11:00-11:30am PE and Outside Play time
11:30-noon Lunch Prep with Dad while Mom heads to College
Noon-1:00 pm Eat Lunch and Clean up lunch/Work on chores
1:00- 1:30pm Have Read Aloud time with Dad (Mom comes home)
1:30-2:00pm Quiet Reading/Activity Time
2:00-3:00pm Wrap-up School Work and Finish Chore List
3:00-4:30pm Snack Time/Free Time
4:30-5:15pm Ballet for Princess/Boys go to Grandma’s
5:15-6:00pm Dinner (Dad goes to College)
6:00-8:00pm Free Time/Grandma’s
8:00-8:30pm Bath Time
8:30-9:00pm Snack Time (Dad Come Home)
9:00-9:15pm Bible Story/Devotion
9:15-9:30pm Bedtime for Early Risers and Quiet Time for Late Risers
This would be a typical Monday except for once a month we will have Gym Days from
10am-noon unless it’s too much for Dad to take them since Mom has school. TBD:)
Thanks for sharing your day. We’re unschoolers in Australia and love hearing about other homeschoolers’ lives and meeting them as we travel!
Looks like a well-organized day!
I have been to your facebook and read your story. So sorry for your loss. Keep on loving those little ones:)