We started the week off with an ice cream social hosted by our county park department. We were offered ice cream, pie, cookies, water, and a chance to play some games. They had cornhole and croquette. We brought our game bag filled with frisbees, bubbles, and plastic kiddie horseshoes.
We intended to begin homeschool this week but both my husband and I were sick the first half of the week with head-cold flu yuckiness. So instead the kids got to spend a few more nights out in the tent and more time outside playing, riding bikes, or hanging out with friends.
Lil’ Red still loves to ride his worm and I caught him on the picnic table outback!
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Mary says
I’m sorry for the sickness – but it sounds like there was a little bit more summer fun to be had in the process.
I hope everyone is feeling better! Thanks for linking with Collage Friday.