I know, I know you are saying, “What is she doing talking about Summer? We are barely into Spring!” But I know full well how quickly Summer break will be upon us. As a mom of 4 very busy and inquisitive kids, I know I need to begin thinking and planning for a fun filled Summer NOW! Not only will Summer Camp and activities brochures begin pouring into your mailbox but registrations are often first come first served.
What do you do if you do not have the time or funds to haul your kids to every camp around? Maybe your child just isn’t one to attend group events alone. Maybe you live to far from quality programs. Well, I am here to share a wonderful ebook to help you plan your work time and play time to make this Summer awesome.
If you have read my blog for very long or follow me on facebook you know I am an ebook junkie! I love ebooks free or cheap! When I was asked to be apart of a review team for an ebook bundle I jumped at the chance.
Summer Sanity Savers is all about routines, schedules, meal planning, and business management. Prerna has lived through one crazy unplanned Summer as a WAHM and will NEVER do it again! She gives all sorts of tips and activity lists to simplify life and spend intentional time with your children while not neglecting your business. Sounds heavenly to me!
One of my favorite quotes from the book: “Schedules are meant to simplify your life not stress it out.”
Each family will need to create a routine that works for THEM. Some tips for finding the right routine (which are gone into much more depth in the book):
1. Observe
2. Identify
3. Change
4. Experiment
You would then create a schedule based on your routines.
Some business tips from Summer Sanity Savers would be the adage “work smarter not harder”. How might one do this you ask?
Schedule items ahead via Hoot or Buffer for your Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ interactions. Think of 30-90 creative questions to ask and schedule one a day all Summer long on your Social Media. Be sure to respond to interaction even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day!
Bloggers be sure to utilize plug-ins that do some of the work for you. My suggestions are Tweet Old Post and Jetpack’s Publicize which allows you to share your post automatically to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn
Join a newsletter company such as Mail Chimp or Mad Mimi. Then become familiar with their autoresponders and learn how to create a drip campaign. Think of emails that you can create in response to your business basic needs and have them schedule to go out to new customers or schedule a newsletter to reach current customers with a new idea or sale.
Did I mention this is part of the All Organized Ebundle that is on sale now?
The All Organized – Organization eBook Bundle is available March 24th until April 7th for only $20. That’s a savings of $133! So hop over and buy it now!
Here are additional reviews of the books within the All Organized eBundle. Check out all the great resources for cleaning, scheduling, meal planning, and business!
Don’t miss out on this great bundle!
Great review Thaleia. I’m usually so much less productive in the summer and I want to read this book so this summer I can manage everything better and enjoy my time with my kids more. I love the idea of automating more… need to work on that!
I’m so glad to get to read a review of this book because the title had really sparked my interest. I am now going to read it ASAP. Thanks for sharing the nuggets!