Some subjects are easier than other’s to learn or teach but sometimes you need a little help. The homeschool writing program we were recently given for review as part of the Review Crew is called Here to Help Learning. Since Eldest is in 7th grade and Princess is in 6th grade we chose Flight 1 Essay to work on with both of them.
A good homeschool writing curriculum can really make or break your child’s school abilities. A better writer can make a better student which in turn prepares that student for high school, college, and a future career. Learning to write well can really be a challenge sometimes in our fast paced technology filled world. It’s hard to slow down and allow thoughts to make there way to paper even for me as an adult.
Each lesson is broken down into small, manageable sections. First is “Pre-Flight Check-In” instructions which introduces the basics of what you will cover in the lesson and a quick review of the previous lesson. Next is “Take Off” which is broken down into 2 subsections. A 10-minute creative writing warm-up gets the students “loosened up” for the rest of the lesson. The Writing Warm Up pictures are pretty funny and intentionally crazy to allow the student a chance to write creatively with no pressure to be serious. The second subsection is a review of where the students are currently at in the writing process (brainstorming, rough draft, etc.). From there, we go “Full Throttle” into the main meat of the lesson. Finally the students are given lesson assignments for the “Flying Solo” (or homework) section.
The videos that accompany each section of the lessons are entertaining (even if they did illicit a few groans), and also easy to follow. Each video walks you step-by-step through the lesson sections, explaining what needs to be done and telling you when to pause the video while doing the timed creative writing sections. Here to Help Learning is great, not only for helping to keep the lesson on track, but also to help those of us parents who may not be all that animated while teaching.
This program is an ideal addition to your homeschool curriculum. It doesn’t just teach your student how to write, it also gives Biblical explanation as to the purpose of writing, which is to glorify God and to communicate His message.
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