I cannot believe how quickly January went by. I was very excited by all the possibilities for many different blog hops, reviews, and giveaways. I hope you have enjoyed some of those things along the way with me. I also made some goals for 2015 which I plan to work on each month. Please continue to follow along with me each month to see how much I accomplish and what new goals I set.
Here’s some highlights from January’s posts:
ABC’s of American History hosted by your truly
A to Z STEM with my H is for Heart Rate post
A to Z Gross Motor with my Y is for Yoga post
Multicultural Children’s Book Day with Beautiful Rainbow World Puppet post
I realized I did not have specific goals for January but shared some of my goals for 2015. I will share some new things as well as some things that maybe I forgot about already, lol. I also added TWO new goal categories this month which I feel round things out quite nicely.
Goals I Accomplished in January:
Blogging & Social Media Goals
- Offer linky services to other bloggers which I am now doing! If you are interested in hiring me to linky your educational blog posts OR a giveaway you are hosting then please check out my Linky Service Form.
- Because of the above I am now linking my own posts and giveaways up as well, win-win.
- I have not set a time to schedule FB shares like I had hoped for myself.
- Pageviews for Janaury 2014 were higher then January 2015. This makes me a little sad as I am really working hard to bring a variety of content to Something 2 Offer
Homeschool Goals
- Totally forgot to pick out a read aloud:( But we did enroll in Winter Reading Club!
- Not back on Khan Academy since we had a review for SDAccelerate instead with History and Math. We did start weekly Spelling tests again:)
- I think the ABC’s of American History is shaping up nicely and only have a couple of guest blogger spots to fill in June!
- I think we will look at homeschool discount days to attend as a family. The Homeschool Convention may be too much for Lil’ Red and Big Red with all the people.
Household & Marriage Goals
- Blog work and linky service took up more time then I had planned so I didn’t clean 1 room a week:(
- Hubby and I did not have a Date Night but a few hours a couple of times to spend kid-free!
- Still working on cleaning/chores that Big Red and Lil’ Red can do
- Did not try new recipes. Gotta do that for sure this month!
Personal Mommy Goals
- I did wear more scarves and tried to coordinate a few outfits. Will have Princess help me some more with this. She has a gift for that sorta thing!
- Still NOT wearing much jewelry but I should since I do own some nice pieces. Maybe start with earrings?
- Gotta get a few more pairs of shoes that are for colder weather. Wore my tennis shoes but only with jeans.
- Totally forgot about increasing water intake which I need to do since Lil’ Red has increased nursing!
Things I have Planned for February:
Blogging & Social Media Goals
- Launching Natural Organic Network with the Big Green Giveaway
- Keep blogging 4-5 times a week.
- Schedule 2 items on FB a day from OTHER bloggers.
- Increase all Social Media following by 10%
- Continue to link up 2 posts a week to linky parties
Homeschool & Educational Goals
- Attend Sugar Sibs Type 1 Diabetes Kids Event
- Check out February Homeschool discount days & attend Valentine’s party
- Continue with Math and History on SD Accelerate
- Continue with Spelling add Handwriting
- Pick out Read Aloud that offers audiobook form as well
Household & Marriage Goals
- Plan to crockpot once a week minimum.
- Create a loose menu plan for 2-3 weeks at a time.
- Plan something for hubby as a surprise with ME securing childcare
- Keep cleaning and organizing a little bit each day. Super clean 15!
Personal Mommy Goals
- Inventory clothes. Purge, mend, and alter some current items.
- Create list of items to fill in wardrobe gap- khaki pants, dress boots, casual flats…
- Practice 1 new hairstyle share on instagram via #mommystyle
- Find a trusted friend or Youtube channel to learn a makeup technique
Financial Goals (forgot this in January)
- Increase blog income by 10% (determine monthly income from 2014)
- Squeeze more out of our budget by buying less and using what we already have
- Make a savings plan for vacation and blog conferences
- Plan our spending or barter for some things
Health and Fitness Goals (also forgotten in January-duh)
- Try 1 new fruit or veggie a week to help children find new things to eat
- Go to larger supermarket or Jungle Jims to pick out exotic fruits and veggies!
- Drink more water using one our new water bottles!
- Try some new indoor exercise things like yoga, bouncer ball, jump rope, stretch bands,etc
- Attend Diabetes Pump Meeting with Eldest and hubby

Want to read what other’s are saying about their Monthly Goals? Check out there posts below!
Come back next month and see what goals I have accomplished and what March’s Goals will be. Hope you take time to check out the other blogger’s in this linkup as well.
These are some huge goals! Here’s to you achieving many of them this month! 🙂
Stopping by from Meandering Mondays!
I also slowly tried to start wearing more jewellery after my second grew out of the ‘rip off your earlobes’ phase! I have stuck with wearing studs most often and I feel naked without them now! So maybe try starting with studs and see how it goes? And best of luck with the Feb goals! I definitely need to set some for myself too!
Thanks for sharing with the Frugal Family! Evelyne
Yes, I’m afraid of wearing jewelry for that very reason but I do have the tools to repair or make my own:)
Wow, plenty of goals there! Good luck in achieving them 🙂 #BrilliantBlogPosts
I have waived back and forth with goals but in the end having them written down makes me much more focused and driven. I don’t feel one bit bad if they aren’t all accomplished but at the very least I have a direction to head.
I hope you have a great month and meet all of your goals!
Thank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!
Wow, that’s impressive! Keep up the good work! 🙂
Happy Wordless Wednesday!