Kicking into High Gear-
Getting Back into the “Reviewers” Saddle
Wow, I did not realize how long I had this Everyday Matters Bible for Women sitting on my nightstand until I got an email. (Yep, one of those shame on you for NOT reviewing a product emails!) I had piled other review books on top and it had just become a part of the scenery-yikes! Not this mommy bloggers intention at all. I first want to apologize for not being more thorough and stewardly with my reviews. I feel that honesty is the best policy and until I had a chance to actually PERSONALLY use the product I did not want to review it.
With being pregnant with baby #4, homeschooling, and helping hubby prepare for college graduation I have been SWAMPED! More so then I would have ever realized was even possible. I think it all started with the first trimester all day morning sickness and tiredness. By the time I realized I was pregnant I had already signed up to review a dozen or so items. Usually these items come rolling in within a week of sign-ups and I make sure to spread out the sign-ups so reviews DO NOT STACK UP! Well, this has not been the case this year. I truly want to apologize to the companies and WAHM’s that are awaiting reviews. I have a long list of e-books to work on as well although not singed up for I would like to do as a courtesy.
I have not signed up for anything else as tempting as it may be! I have been planning my children’s school work and trying to re-arrange our home to accommodate a new little addition so my time has been divided. I felt it was best to focus on my family and growing baby C-4 instead of growing my blog and business.
So over the next week I am going to do my best to begin using and reviewing the products I have in my possession. I am learning to not stretch myself so thin and to roll with the punches as it were.
Please look forward to learning about these products:
(all links are to Facebook for each product listed)Everyday Matters Bible for Women
Pants- Catchers by Paci-Catchers
Maternity Support Products by Preggers
You, Your Family and the Internet
Mustache Cookie Cutters from Fuzzy Ink– (was hoping to use these at our baby shower but one was never planned. Guess we will have a Welcome Home Baby party instead:)
John Day Fossil Beds with Noah Justice (Awesome Science Video)
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